Bowen found the gum in my backpack. Chris found Bowen chewing a wad of it in his mouth. Bowen would not give it up. Finally, Chris cornered him and said Bowen, if you give me your gum I will give you an M&M. He looks at him, then so slyly swallows his gum and holds out his hand and says M&M?
Bowen has been doing extremely cute things this week. Everything he does and says is cute, I can't lie. Since we decorated the tree for Christmas and hung lights he loves all the festivities. We sing jingle bell rock and his favorite jingle bells over and over. It was a highlight to see Bowen and Chris this week, where Chris was playing the piano drummer boy and Bowen banging on his drums and then Bowen ringing his little bells while we played jingle bells.
It has been snowing here in Billings. Nothing to crazy...yet. One thing I love about out house is that it get's warm very fast. I love the fireplace and how it makes it feel so cozy.
I am almost done with my second to last semester of school. I have a few more assignments and then I am done! I can't believe it. I am pretty overwhelmed by the material we have to know but once I do break it up in chunks it is not so bad.
My little getaway this week was playing soccer. I am on a girl's indoor team and I just absolutely love indoor soccer. It is what I look forward to most of the week. I never thought I would say that about something I worked so hard in as a kid. It is the perfect combination of serotonin and endorphins. A girl from the ward is on the team and invited me to play. It is at a local YMCA in downtown Billings a little sketchy but once you pass all the alcoholics it's not too bad. Just kidding...
A few more things Bowen has loved doing this week. He loves to go to "Play Place" and play with the other kids. He always says Mommy play? Even if I am playing with him. He also is so cute when he wants to do something. He grabs my hand and leads to where he wants to go or demands me to sit. He is a little stinker sometimes.
We had a first blow out in about a year, where I had to throw away his under shirt. Maybe it's time to go up a size? Maybe it was a fluke? Not sure but man was it messy. I taught him whenever I change him and it stinks, I say did you give me a poopy present? And he laughs and says poopy present!
Our family has been sick the past week with a cold. It first started with Bowen, then Chris, then me. I was sure I just was immune to it and then one night I couldn't stop coughing, that was it for me. We have avoided crowds but as much as we can without getting stir crazy inside the house. I had to get fingerprints done at the VA for a background check and update my RN license to be in MT. It is nice that I can do that and all I have to do for licensure is pay for compact state which UT and MT are.
We had Chris's Christmas party this week. He pulled out a number to where we sit and we sat with some nurses and techs. I learned Chris likes to tell jokes in the OR. He told a joke about a can ask him the rest and the little old lady under the sheet looked as if she was about to have a seizure laughing so hard (according the RN). She said it made her day though. Chris likes to make the office laugh and he brings a little jazz to the facility it looks like...there are quite a few older people who work there. We played lots of games, there were prizes, dinner, and presents. It was adulting at its finest. Especially the group company picture in the Yellowstone Art Museum of the whole staff standing and then Dr. Smith on the ground with his hand on his head. Will probably be quite a picture to remember and to who they signed up with.
This week nothing to interesting. We did hire a new cute nanny. I hope it works out. She is a very cute girl who is in college at MSUB. She is majoring in elementary education. She is very active and has a lot of personality. Her and Bowen seem to get a long so far and have fun. I hope it is a good match.
We will keep the tradition going of the Smith family gingerbread house as we attempt our own this year.
We love you all and will see you in a couple of weeks.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
This week has been a very busy work week. Two days in the ER waking up at 5am, a regular 9 hour clinic day and then another pediatric acute care day. I am usually not gone from Bowen this much but this week has been especially busy trying to fit all my hours in. I registered for my last semester of DNP school! Hallelujah. Although the pediatric doctor pimping me today got me thinking I need to review my vaccines. On the other hand, the ER doctor pimping me I was spot on so there's that.
Bowen has been doing the cutest things lately. First of all, he repeats EVERYTHING you say. So you really have to be careful. He also loves to be chased and to run. He wants me to chase him all the time. He then goes running to his room to the big bean bag chair "hiding" behind his hands thinking I can't see him. It is the most adorable thing. I say Where's Bowen, where did he go?? Then I say did he go play soccer outside or something like that and he uncovers his face YA! hahaha. I absolutely love that kid. I see all these sweet newborn babies at the pediatric care clinic I am working at and oh it just breaks my heart Bowen is already a toddler. I really have just savored every moment with this kid. I find myself hurrying home from work because I just can't wait to see him and I don't care if I have exercised or ate that day I just want to see my baby!
Halloween was so much fun. I thought because we are in a new subdivision we really wouldn't see any trick-or-treaters here. I was right. No one came to our door well at least that I know of. We even tried a few houses here and they didn't even have candy! Instead, they gave Bowen a breath mint? I told Chris that after he came home from work we are going to Clark Avenue which is this famous street here in Billings that decorates and goes all out for Halloween. There were many kids there but not as many as when it started to get darker out, since we went around 4:30. My coworker also went around 6:00pm and she said there were a bazillion people. I guess we crossed paths and her friend was wearing a ketchup costume, where Chris said to her-- you better hurry and ketchup. Oh yes, Ashley told this to me at work and I said yes, that is my husband ;) I love you Chris.
Bowen was in 7th Heaven, on a candy high, saying hi to all the weird creatures by the homes. Gazing at them with a perplexed expression. He absolutely loved it. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. And it is the holiday where Chris and I had our first romantic 8 years ago kissanniversary. I loved how Bowen would go up to the people sucker in his mouth and just stick out his cute chubby hand to the people like okay give me some more candy now. We taught him to say trick or treat but usually he shortened it to treat or just thank you.
It's getting colder here, unfortunately. I am not looking forward to the winter although the farmers almanac say that it will be a mild one here in Billings. We will see about that. The YW presidency have already put me to work and teaching and doing activities. We do have a good presidency here which I am excited about and a bunch of little beehives who will be in my class soon, which i'm excited about because I only have two right now!
Bowen knows how to get out of going to sleep. Chris was about to tuck him in and then he says kiss mommy. So he brings him out and I'm at the piano practicing and he says to me lesson? I try to expose Bowen to the piano as much as I can and it just pulled at my heart strings, of course you can have a lesson I will never pass that up :) where we play with the keys he shows me middle C and staccato. Where low and high is. Pianissimo and Fortissimo where he just screams. It's pretty funny. This little kid is like a sponge. Chris taught him his right and left foot. Chris said to me ya he gets it 50% of the time...;)
Bowen sure loves his oatmeal, he eats it twice a day. It is his comfort food. He loves to play blocks and build a tower. He loves to play cars and he always wants mommy and daddy to play. He likes to kick Maggie which we have to say we don't kick animals or people. He likes to boss Maggie around. Saying no no Maggie. He hears it from me probably because I feel like Maggie is always getting into the trash.
I had my first indoor soccer game this week at the YMCA. It was a blast. I love soccer, Chris and I are definitely exposing and brainwashing Bowen into loving soccer. I do miss tennis but it is expensive to play, I should just own up to it and start playing. I love how soccer you get more of a social team work and also a good work out. Bowen and Chris watched Friday night, and to celebrate my two goals, Chris wanted to go to Wendy's, while I ate my bowl of cereal, and Bowen ate his oatmeal. I promise I am a good mom...School will end eventually!!
Love you all,
Cameryn Smith
Bowen has been doing the cutest things lately. First of all, he repeats EVERYTHING you say. So you really have to be careful. He also loves to be chased and to run. He wants me to chase him all the time. He then goes running to his room to the big bean bag chair "hiding" behind his hands thinking I can't see him. It is the most adorable thing. I say Where's Bowen, where did he go?? Then I say did he go play soccer outside or something like that and he uncovers his face YA! hahaha. I absolutely love that kid. I see all these sweet newborn babies at the pediatric care clinic I am working at and oh it just breaks my heart Bowen is already a toddler. I really have just savored every moment with this kid. I find myself hurrying home from work because I just can't wait to see him and I don't care if I have exercised or ate that day I just want to see my baby!
Halloween was so much fun. I thought because we are in a new subdivision we really wouldn't see any trick-or-treaters here. I was right. No one came to our door well at least that I know of. We even tried a few houses here and they didn't even have candy! Instead, they gave Bowen a breath mint? I told Chris that after he came home from work we are going to Clark Avenue which is this famous street here in Billings that decorates and goes all out for Halloween. There were many kids there but not as many as when it started to get darker out, since we went around 4:30. My coworker also went around 6:00pm and she said there were a bazillion people. I guess we crossed paths and her friend was wearing a ketchup costume, where Chris said to her-- you better hurry and ketchup. Oh yes, Ashley told this to me at work and I said yes, that is my husband ;) I love you Chris.
Bowen was in 7th Heaven, on a candy high, saying hi to all the weird creatures by the homes. Gazing at them with a perplexed expression. He absolutely loved it. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. And it is the holiday where Chris and I had our first romantic 8 years ago kissanniversary. I loved how Bowen would go up to the people sucker in his mouth and just stick out his cute chubby hand to the people like okay give me some more candy now. We taught him to say trick or treat but usually he shortened it to treat or just thank you.
It's getting colder here, unfortunately. I am not looking forward to the winter although the farmers almanac say that it will be a mild one here in Billings. We will see about that. The YW presidency have already put me to work and teaching and doing activities. We do have a good presidency here which I am excited about and a bunch of little beehives who will be in my class soon, which i'm excited about because I only have two right now!
Bowen knows how to get out of going to sleep. Chris was about to tuck him in and then he says kiss mommy. So he brings him out and I'm at the piano practicing and he says to me lesson? I try to expose Bowen to the piano as much as I can and it just pulled at my heart strings, of course you can have a lesson I will never pass that up :) where we play with the keys he shows me middle C and staccato. Where low and high is. Pianissimo and Fortissimo where he just screams. It's pretty funny. This little kid is like a sponge. Chris taught him his right and left foot. Chris said to me ya he gets it 50% of the time...;)
Bowen sure loves his oatmeal, he eats it twice a day. It is his comfort food. He loves to play blocks and build a tower. He loves to play cars and he always wants mommy and daddy to play. He likes to kick Maggie which we have to say we don't kick animals or people. He likes to boss Maggie around. Saying no no Maggie. He hears it from me probably because I feel like Maggie is always getting into the trash.
I had my first indoor soccer game this week at the YMCA. It was a blast. I love soccer, Chris and I are definitely exposing and brainwashing Bowen into loving soccer. I do miss tennis but it is expensive to play, I should just own up to it and start playing. I love how soccer you get more of a social team work and also a good work out. Bowen and Chris watched Friday night, and to celebrate my two goals, Chris wanted to go to Wendy's, while I ate my bowl of cereal, and Bowen ate his oatmeal. I promise I am a good mom...School will end eventually!!
Love you all,
Cameryn Smith
Saturday, October 20, 2018
I won tickets last week to see the Nile Rodeo here in town. That was the Smith's christening into Billings, MT, to see if we have what it really takes to live here. We absolutely loved it. We all got in jeans, flannels, cowboy boots and were ready for the "bunking bronco" as Bowen kept saying. I was gearing him up that morning watching a video of cowboys riding "rough stock" what I later learned; Which are untrained horses and bulls usually bred and raised for rodeos. Bowen on our way to the rodeo in Chris's arms with the biggest grin said, "Excited!" He loved watching the Booms or Fireworks. There was so much happening in the stadium he was for once sitting still and quiet. On the way home from the Rodeo, Bowen surprised Chris and I. He started singing ABCs? I didn't even know he knew how to sing it. He started out of no where abcde and then Chris and I looked at each other what in the world? He knew a good 60% of the song but it completely blew my mind.
Bowen's favorite word right now. "Excited". This week has been gorgeous! We decided to seize the day and get chipotle and bring it to Chris's work. There is a park across the street where we had lunch. On the way to lunch Bowen repeated Daddy's park, excited! That kid has the happiest smile and the saddest frown. He knows how to wear his emotions well on his sleeve. He is my little buddy and I love it when he says Mommy bath, Mommy sing, Mommy hand. Oh I just love this stage right now. He is testing us to see how far he can go from getting into trouble. Today he was coloring in his coloring book and Chris and I were finishing dinner. I soon saw him sneaky come up to the table and start using the crayons in the grooves of the chair. Bowen...we don't draw on the chair, he looked up at me smiled, he knew exactly what I meant. He then started to do it again until Chris said Bowen, no we don't draw on furniture. He smiles and now more then ever starts going at it.
This week was the illness from HE double hockey sticks. My nanny last week said on Friday that she wasn't feeling good, then she missed Monday work when I was supposed to do a procedure with my preceptor. I was pretty bugged because I have been wanting to get more experience with skin procedures. Of course I tried to be sympathetic but deep down inside I really wanted to just bring Bowen with me to work for an hour. That night it hit me... yes the ultimate wipe out. I will let you interpret what that means. Let's just say I didn't leave the garbage can and toilet all night. Anyways, Chris looked at me with sympathetic eyes but also saying I love you but not going to touch you.
I then stayed home again the next day from work, I told my preceptor I had the stomach flu. Skipping two days of work, although she understood. Chris got back from work and we of course did our tradition of going to Taco Tuesday. Chris was especially hungry because he has been into swimming a lot more, swimming makes you hungry! So instead of ordering his regular two tacos he ordered three. After dinner, Chris started to make me worry. Not feeling great we went home and I took over Bowen duty. Chris then got the same symptoms I had the previous day. He was up ALL night. He didn't sleep, nor I didn't sleep, although Bowen slept like a baby. We both sucked it up and went to work the next day on five hours of sleep probably three for Chris. Bowen had some of the runs but luckily nothing hit him! I was supposed to go to Mutual on Wednesday and had to bail. They were thankful for me staying away :)/
Luckily, we have gotten over that awful stomach flu it has somewhat affected the rest of the week because we have been super lazy trying to get over it and get some of our energy back. Seems to be getting better and we plan on going for a nice little walk/hike tomorrow in the nice weather. Who knows how many more of these we have.
love you all,
Bowen's favorite word right now. "Excited". This week has been gorgeous! We decided to seize the day and get chipotle and bring it to Chris's work. There is a park across the street where we had lunch. On the way to lunch Bowen repeated Daddy's park, excited! That kid has the happiest smile and the saddest frown. He knows how to wear his emotions well on his sleeve. He is my little buddy and I love it when he says Mommy bath, Mommy sing, Mommy hand. Oh I just love this stage right now. He is testing us to see how far he can go from getting into trouble. Today he was coloring in his coloring book and Chris and I were finishing dinner. I soon saw him sneaky come up to the table and start using the crayons in the grooves of the chair. Bowen...we don't draw on the chair, he looked up at me smiled, he knew exactly what I meant. He then started to do it again until Chris said Bowen, no we don't draw on furniture. He smiles and now more then ever starts going at it.
This week was the illness from HE double hockey sticks. My nanny last week said on Friday that she wasn't feeling good, then she missed Monday work when I was supposed to do a procedure with my preceptor. I was pretty bugged because I have been wanting to get more experience with skin procedures. Of course I tried to be sympathetic but deep down inside I really wanted to just bring Bowen with me to work for an hour. That night it hit me... yes the ultimate wipe out. I will let you interpret what that means. Let's just say I didn't leave the garbage can and toilet all night. Anyways, Chris looked at me with sympathetic eyes but also saying I love you but not going to touch you.
I then stayed home again the next day from work, I told my preceptor I had the stomach flu. Skipping two days of work, although she understood. Chris got back from work and we of course did our tradition of going to Taco Tuesday. Chris was especially hungry because he has been into swimming a lot more, swimming makes you hungry! So instead of ordering his regular two tacos he ordered three. After dinner, Chris started to make me worry. Not feeling great we went home and I took over Bowen duty. Chris then got the same symptoms I had the previous day. He was up ALL night. He didn't sleep, nor I didn't sleep, although Bowen slept like a baby. We both sucked it up and went to work the next day on five hours of sleep probably three for Chris. Bowen had some of the runs but luckily nothing hit him! I was supposed to go to Mutual on Wednesday and had to bail. They were thankful for me staying away :)/
Luckily, we have gotten over that awful stomach flu it has somewhat affected the rest of the week because we have been super lazy trying to get over it and get some of our energy back. Seems to be getting better and we plan on going for a nice little walk/hike tomorrow in the nice weather. Who knows how many more of these we have.
love you all,
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Bowen Likes to Poop
Today I changed two big poops from Bowen. Chris changed three. As little as this kid eats he sure knows how to poop. He gets a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning. That gets his bowels going. Hopefully no one is eating their breakfast while reading this. They stank too.. whew. We went to a fireside tonight called Fight The New Drug. It is about a fairly new organization and how they help with addictions such as pornography. I get a whiff from Bowen half way through the presentation. Oh it's rank and it fills the aroma in the air. I see people look around. Ah again! 5! Five times. Maybe we need to switch his breakfast routine.
I think Billings is more bipolar than Utah. Yesterday I went on a run. Then today it snows!! We even built a snowman in our front yard. It really was the most gorgeous run I have ever been on. I went at 6 pm after work while Chris took Bowen to the park. The big sky along with the fiery pinks oranges and reds. I have never seen anything like it before. The clouds were illuminated and it looked like a sky God would come when it is the second coming. Nothing could be more gorgeous. As I was thinking these beautiful thoughts and having my serotonin high, a bug flies right in my mouth and another after hits my eye! Ahh buzz kill...
This week I worked a solid over thirty hours. I also in that time learned the new teen slang. That's meta! What in the world is meta? I feel so old. Especially with my lack of skills of Snapchat.
Bowen is so much fun right now. Chris and I agree this is one of our favorite stages with him. Although, really every stage is fun. He is learning so much. He counts 1-5 then 7, 9, 10, 11, 12! Just two more numbers Bowen!!! We take him to this park that has the alphabet scattered and he loves showing off he knows the letters to Chris. After he says them he goes in for the high five! He also says Daddy Daddy or Mommy Mommy Race!!! He likes to race down the slide. This kid has SOOO much energy. If only I can have a little bit of that and bundle it up for later.
Chris went to Portland for a two days. Checking out the different lasers. He came back upset saying that the surgeons he was with solely have sold there soul as well as their ophthalmology skills to doing lasik. They do hard core sales of getting everyone to do Lasik. How do we compete with that?
Every day I call doctors to see if they will take a student. I literally am begging people. With the cost of tuition plus nanny it is hard for me to see our finally pay check from Chris's work. Just got to make it to May.
I want different specialties to give me exposure to different cases I will run into. Next week I am in the Emergency Room. That should be telling! Especially since a nurse I ran into there says there are a lot of Indian Americans who are homeless who come in. They are alcoholics and are having withdrawals then they drink the hand sanitizer and poison themselves. Oh what has our world come to????
Can't we do two hour church now? I just got called to Miamaids advisor. I love YW:)
Love you all!
Cameryn Smith
I think Billings is more bipolar than Utah. Yesterday I went on a run. Then today it snows!! We even built a snowman in our front yard. It really was the most gorgeous run I have ever been on. I went at 6 pm after work while Chris took Bowen to the park. The big sky along with the fiery pinks oranges and reds. I have never seen anything like it before. The clouds were illuminated and it looked like a sky God would come when it is the second coming. Nothing could be more gorgeous. As I was thinking these beautiful thoughts and having my serotonin high, a bug flies right in my mouth and another after hits my eye! Ahh buzz kill...
This week I worked a solid over thirty hours. I also in that time learned the new teen slang. That's meta! What in the world is meta? I feel so old. Especially with my lack of skills of Snapchat.
Bowen is so much fun right now. Chris and I agree this is one of our favorite stages with him. Although, really every stage is fun. He is learning so much. He counts 1-5 then 7, 9, 10, 11, 12! Just two more numbers Bowen!!! We take him to this park that has the alphabet scattered and he loves showing off he knows the letters to Chris. After he says them he goes in for the high five! He also says Daddy Daddy or Mommy Mommy Race!!! He likes to race down the slide. This kid has SOOO much energy. If only I can have a little bit of that and bundle it up for later.
Chris went to Portland for a two days. Checking out the different lasers. He came back upset saying that the surgeons he was with solely have sold there soul as well as their ophthalmology skills to doing lasik. They do hard core sales of getting everyone to do Lasik. How do we compete with that?
Every day I call doctors to see if they will take a student. I literally am begging people. With the cost of tuition plus nanny it is hard for me to see our finally pay check from Chris's work. Just got to make it to May.
I want different specialties to give me exposure to different cases I will run into. Next week I am in the Emergency Room. That should be telling! Especially since a nurse I ran into there says there are a lot of Indian Americans who are homeless who come in. They are alcoholics and are having withdrawals then they drink the hand sanitizer and poison themselves. Oh what has our world come to????
Can't we do two hour church now? I just got called to Miamaids advisor. I love YW:)
Love you all!
Cameryn Smith
Week of August 27th
My mom celebrated her
birthday this week. Us Call’s have week long birthdays it is not a day. I
planned a Gem Studio fun with Heather and her girls, Sabrina, and Michelle, and
Brittney. It was a lot of fun but took about three hours. I love my ring and
Sabrina wanted me to send a picture to her of it because she thought it was so
pretty and to show it off. I told Chris, you know I do have some style that is
inborn perhaps my mom’s inherited interior design skills. We also went to Top
Golf with the Call family. We handed off Bowen as we took turns hitting. I am
sort of getting into golf, I really enjoy it. I am trying to get Chris more
interested, but I don’t know how much that will help. Bowen finally got over
his sickness at the end of the week, right when his daddy got home. He was so
excited when I said Bowen guess who we get to see tonight, Daddy! All
throughout the car ride he kept saying daddy, daddy! My heart ached for him, we
haven’t seen Chris in a month and man does this boy love his daddy. We picked
up Chris and they babbled and talked the whole way home about what Bowen was
wearing, what he did with Mom that day, what was in his bottle oh the little
conversations with Bowen. I am starting to see that Bowen is putting 2-3-word
sentences. He is saying I love you, of course not clearly, what’s that what
this, Bowen high, hike water. I can pretty much understand this kid. I got his
little toddler language down… most of the time. The next day we packed the rest
of our things and took Bowen to the park. Later that afternoon we went to
Grandma Rita’s party getting everything ready when that means really playing
with balls and making messes for Grandma Smith. Grandma even admitted that
“Here is her favorite grandson!” haha! I said we have it recorded! We picked
beans of course and Bowen was so happy of his accomplishments showing his beans
with a big cheesy smile. Bowen and Chris sang Old McDonald on the piano as
Bowen tried to say EiEi. We celebrated Grandma Rita’s 91st birthday
while she showed us her hula dances from her time in Hawaii. Of course, Chris
came in with his interpretive dance skills and almost made Ellie pee her pants.
Bowen was happy running around screaming bouncing the ball with his hands. He
wanted to see what the rope was all about when he saw the jump ropes. We had
fun and played all night. The little boy fell asleep and we quickly tried to
transition him home. The next day was Blake’s farewell and Chris had to take
Bowen out during the sacrament to have a chance to listen to Blake’s talk. He
did a great job and taught about a few personal stories of conversion and ended
it with a few notes of why he loved each person in his family. There is a
sweetness about Blake, a little innocence and pure love. Pretty unusual for
graduated high school boys nowadays. We went home and had breakfast burritos my
mom slaved over the night before. They were the best missionary farewell I’ve
had. Although, I haven’t remembered many I will remember these. It was fun to
see extended family make the journey up the Alpine or down to Alpine. We
enjoyed our last day in Utah before our big move to Billings. I start work this
Wednesday. Bowen is staying with grandparents until my mom comes out next week.
This will give me some time to hire a nanny and find out where everything is
and somewhat get our stuff in order in our new duplex. Brand new. I am excited
for that. And little Maggie waiting for us!
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Where is that stethoscope?
All week I have been looking for my stethoscope. I looked in our compact storage, no where to be found. I looked in his toy box, getting advice from one of the nurses I work with. Nope not there. I looked in all my drawers and even checked my car 4x. A little OCD but I just could not come to the idea how it was not in my car. All week, I borrowed others stethoscope asking and calling around to see if it was anywhere. Called the lost and found at the gym, lost and found at Goodwill thinking I may have donated it, called lost and found on the floor of the hospital wing I work with. Left notes for people and told them if they found a 'brown stethoscope' to please call! I told my preceptor, and still no signs of it showed up. She told me maybe it's a good thing and you can get a graduation present out of it. The thing is this is Chris's old stethoscope in which he spent A LOT of money on. It made me sick to my stomach. I told our nanny, please let me know if it shows up at home. Checking on her several times to see if it just popped up out of no where.
The week went by with that stress in the pit of my stomach. I went and got a TB test. Those dang TB tests are every year for healthcare workers. They are so easy to do and read, but no we have to get them done somewhere and it has to be exactly 48 hours to 72 hours when it is read. I got mine done on Wednesday at 4:56. Literally showed up at 4:15 on Friday and they made me wait 45 minutes to get it read. I told them like it would make a difference. They replied well it's protocol. How sometimes protocol just makes it inconvenient in our lives. It was negative.
We went to our favorite Taco Tuesday joint- Cafe Rio and also saw the rest of the ward and missionaries there. Must be a Mormon thing. It makes for cheap and good food though and Bowen is more than happy getting a quesadilla with oranges and some little mints which of course are his favorite.
Chris and I have pretty much settled in to the house. There are a few things in the garage that need organized but other than that we are ready for visitors:)
We went to on a Scheels date/ 5 Guys on Friday with our cute little family. I guess everyone here throws the peanut shells on the ground. I never have seen that anywhere. Not in Utah, St. Louis, Omaha, Austin. As I am looking around peanut shells everywhere under the tables. Well must be a Billings thing. We walked over to Scheels since it is just across the street. Bowen especially loves the Ferris wheel although not quite tall enough to ride. Meanwhile, I tried on the most warm coats from a lady who was helping me. I wanted to see what the warmest jacket they had was. I tried on the "Lamborghini" of coats which was almost $1,000 Canadian Goose. Although, I have to admit I think the Columbia jacket may have been my favorite.. which was a lot cheaper.
Saturday while Chris was studying for oral boards (he is going to SF next week) and has been studying for basically 20 years now or more. He is very ready to be done, to say it the least. Bowen and I got out of his hair and went to the farmers market downtown. Chris to his reply said, of course you found a farmers market. Yes, indeed I have. It was a cute little one downtown people playing music and lots of vendors. The most popular tents I found are the "Judarite" clans in which they have several out here in Billings. Got to look them up, but they are a most interesting and peculiar people. So are Mormons though. They had this amazing looking loaf of bread that was ginormous and also the most splendid looking pies. I immediately thought I would surprise Chris thinking that I had made this pie. No way could I get around that. It looked too good to be true and Chris already knows my lack of baking skills. Unless its pre-made brownies or cookies. I didn't get away with it.
So night of Saturday, I am still distressed. It has been a week since my dear stethoscope and I had parted from each other. I loved that stethoscope and nothing would replace it. I looked online longingly for a top notch Littman brand. Knowing the power of prayer and knowing that I had once lost my wedding ring in a distress time and finding it in the dryer in a obscure place that I would have never thought to looked. I turned to prayer.
To my amazement I go in my closet and have a realization, look in your backpack. I have literally checked my backpack 15 times!!! I brush the thought away thinking, I must be going crazy. And really I am. I have lost so many things this move that I just don't want anything anymore. Get rid of it, Chris and my mantra is probably now. So I finally listen to this thought that has occurred. I look in my backpack. Take EVERYTHING out. See!!! I said to myself NOTHING! I have a thought, did I check that bottom zipper, the zipper at the very base of my backpack where it hides and almost looks like there is nothing there. I did not. I open it slowly, and THERE IT IS!!! MY STETHOSCOPE. Oh how I missed that stethoscope. My heart was full. I really was so certain that the conclusion was someone stole it because how could I lose it and check everywhere.. Once again power or prayer is real...
Love you all, don't think less of me because I have mommy/moving brain!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Happiest Boy on Earth
Billings is finally feeling like home. We have our house "mostly" altogether, although organizing Bowen's room took the longest because of trying to fit everything in before and after nap time. We had to reorganize the storage room we are renting because some of it was supposed to be in the house and vice versa. Lets just say it took a whole lot longer than we thought. We have been to the ward a few times and getting Bowen ready for nursery is always a treat. Unfortunately, sacrament is during his regular poop times so usually one of us has to duck out after the first or second speaker.
We had our new nanny come in this week. I am working almost 30 hours. Start at 730 and go until 5-530 three days a week right now. Who knew having a nanny could be so expensive. Hopefully this will pay off in the end. We discovered some fun places this week. One place that Bowen especially likes is called 'Art of Play' he gets on the train and is able to go without pushing. He ends up running into the kitchen each time. Also, I have figured this is a great way to meet people. We already met a little friend Bowen's age.
Everyone is extremely nice here. I was worried we wouldn't meet anyone in our ward 'our age'. Most of the people are older. (We live right next to a retirement center). But after church last Sunday I saw a couple with a younger kid. I was driving and basically panting- Look Chris young people! I stopped the car near them and told him to say hi because we had not met any ANY young people in our ward. They were very nice and had a three year old. He is a dentist here and later that week he invited us to dinner. We had a lot of fun and call them our parking lot friends now.
For family night this week we went on a bike ride. We found a cute little pond area with a bike/running trail. It is so cute. We biked and fed the ducks bread and got some tasty Jimmy Johns. We are settling down just perfectly as Chris recalls 'riding off into the sunset' The sunsets are magnificent here I just can't get over it.
This Friday we took Bowen to the 'Grandpa's Corn Maze' it was about 6:15 and hardly anyone was there. Both Chris and I were thinking...this is amazing in Utah this would be swarmed with people. We met another couple with a 20 month old. Seems to be the right age to meet people and are doing something with them this next week. Bowen had the time of his life. He played with corn kernels and a truck yelling "DUMP"! Then he took us over to the slide and said mommy mommy mommy. Suggesting I go down the slide first. After I went down he would say.. daddy daddy daddy. This went on for about 30 mins. We then found the ultimate slide. Bowen was the happiest boy on earth. Neither Chris or I have ever seen him this happy. He was ecstatic to go on this really wide and high slide. He would jump at the top and not stop jumping. As he came down the slide you could see his face get scared and then relieved it was over. Then, he would want to do it all over again grabbing my hand. One moment I recall was when he was at the very top and he was looking through the fence at a van stopped right in front. Chris was up there with him. Bowen's face smashed on the fence kept repeating Hi hi hi hi getting substantially louder and waving his hands. He did not stop until that van rolled down the window and said hi back. I have never laughed harder in my life than in that moment a little boy begging someone to say hi to him.
Saturday we went to Red Lodge. A famous resort here by the Bear Tooth Mountains and Yellowstone. It was a gorgeous day and we admired the leaves changing the beautiful yellows and oranges. We had our bear spray on us and both Chris and I read the instructions carefully. Luckily we had Maggie and we both agreed Maggie would hopefully scare the bears off. We did not see any bears, but my eyes were peeled at anything that moved or made a sound.
Clinicals have been going great. Friday I had a lady down the hall have either a seizure or passed out. Not really sure until I heard a tech say hurry someone come here! I ran down the hall to look like a person dead on the chair. It seemed like maybe a bp problem but luckily she was okay. Reminded me of my last clinicals first day where I had someone code right outside the building.
Tonight we are playing games and treats to some neighbors down the road. We are having a great time exploring and finding our way through Billings MT!
Have a great week!
We had our new nanny come in this week. I am working almost 30 hours. Start at 730 and go until 5-530 three days a week right now. Who knew having a nanny could be so expensive. Hopefully this will pay off in the end. We discovered some fun places this week. One place that Bowen especially likes is called 'Art of Play' he gets on the train and is able to go without pushing. He ends up running into the kitchen each time. Also, I have figured this is a great way to meet people. We already met a little friend Bowen's age.
Everyone is extremely nice here. I was worried we wouldn't meet anyone in our ward 'our age'. Most of the people are older. (We live right next to a retirement center). But after church last Sunday I saw a couple with a younger kid. I was driving and basically panting- Look Chris young people! I stopped the car near them and told him to say hi because we had not met any ANY young people in our ward. They were very nice and had a three year old. He is a dentist here and later that week he invited us to dinner. We had a lot of fun and call them our parking lot friends now.
For family night this week we went on a bike ride. We found a cute little pond area with a bike/running trail. It is so cute. We biked and fed the ducks bread and got some tasty Jimmy Johns. We are settling down just perfectly as Chris recalls 'riding off into the sunset' The sunsets are magnificent here I just can't get over it.
This Friday we took Bowen to the 'Grandpa's Corn Maze' it was about 6:15 and hardly anyone was there. Both Chris and I were thinking...this is amazing in Utah this would be swarmed with people. We met another couple with a 20 month old. Seems to be the right age to meet people and are doing something with them this next week. Bowen had the time of his life. He played with corn kernels and a truck yelling "DUMP"! Then he took us over to the slide and said mommy mommy mommy. Suggesting I go down the slide first. After I went down he would say.. daddy daddy daddy. This went on for about 30 mins. We then found the ultimate slide. Bowen was the happiest boy on earth. Neither Chris or I have ever seen him this happy. He was ecstatic to go on this really wide and high slide. He would jump at the top and not stop jumping. As he came down the slide you could see his face get scared and then relieved it was over. Then, he would want to do it all over again grabbing my hand. One moment I recall was when he was at the very top and he was looking through the fence at a van stopped right in front. Chris was up there with him. Bowen's face smashed on the fence kept repeating Hi hi hi hi getting substantially louder and waving his hands. He did not stop until that van rolled down the window and said hi back. I have never laughed harder in my life than in that moment a little boy begging someone to say hi to him.
Saturday we went to Red Lodge. A famous resort here by the Bear Tooth Mountains and Yellowstone. It was a gorgeous day and we admired the leaves changing the beautiful yellows and oranges. We had our bear spray on us and both Chris and I read the instructions carefully. Luckily we had Maggie and we both agreed Maggie would hopefully scare the bears off. We did not see any bears, but my eyes were peeled at anything that moved or made a sound.
Clinicals have been going great. Friday I had a lady down the hall have either a seizure or passed out. Not really sure until I heard a tech say hurry someone come here! I ran down the hall to look like a person dead on the chair. It seemed like maybe a bp problem but luckily she was okay. Reminded me of my last clinicals first day where I had someone code right outside the building.
Tonight we are playing games and treats to some neighbors down the road. We are having a great time exploring and finding our way through Billings MT!
Have a great week!
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Chris and I drove 9 hours to Billings, 10 hours counting the lunch stop in Bozeman. I have to admit it was a long drive, and we didn't even have Bowen in the car. Not sure if I will be doing that drive unless it is a two days top kind of thing. I have been pleasantly surprised by Billings. My first impressions numbered 1-10 are as follows:
1. Gone Hunting
2. Trump All The Way
3. Levi's and Country
4. Small Big City
5. Nice People
6. 15 minuets anywhere and everywhere...
7. Construction
8. Purple Sunsets
9. Tribal County
10. Heffer
Yes, that pretty much sums up Billings. I started work with my preceptor Tish Guldborg now Parker since she just got married, seems to be the confusion and topic of interest around the office. Tells me the first day, I just got married in July. He is half Hispanic. But you would never guess he is the biggest racist of anyone I know. He says if our girls bring home a black man you betta get ready cause he is not making it in my front door. I responded. Oh I just moved from Saint Louis.
We then finish up our day me learning epic and shadowing her most of the day, because it's only fair how to see how the other providers care. Later, she talks about the whole Nike scandal putting out the advertisement TV of Kapernick. My preceptor says to be you bet we layed all our nike clothes and shoes lined up and then I told my girls what should we do with all our Nike things? They said throw it away. Then I said good girls that's right. So they dumped thousands worth of Nike in a dumpster.
She also has been teaching me hunting lingo and cow lingo apparently. I guess I had no idea what in the world was a Heffer… it is a cow that has not had a baby. Supposedly her cousins raise Heffers and they go for $10,000 she said- that's more than a car! Yes, that is more than most cars...
Trump came to Billings this week. Trump attire was being worn galore. Trump stickers, trump wigs, trump banners. Trumps name was everywhere TRUMP. I thought it would be kind of fun to see the president- how many people can actually say that. When the time came to go to the convention center. My body just did not want to move- there was supposed to be 12,000 downtown. And in a city like this there is no way I was getting out at a decent time. So I decided I would do better things and watch Netflix.
The sunsets are gorgeous here. I think I read because Montana is further away from the equator it makes the sky look like it is more oval than flat, hard to explain but that is why it is called Big Sky State. Everything is sky and when the sunset hits its the whole sky illuminating. Gorgeous.
Construction has taken a good chunk of this city. Although it takes mostly 15 minutes to get anywhere there are still one way roads. And if one road is closed down- oh prepare for it.
I have been interviewing Nannys and it is so hard for me to part from Emily or Emmy as Bowen calls her. She is great with him and I just cant imagine someone better except me of course. But I will have to make a decision soon since Bowen is coming up this week.
Chris left just in time as I came to Billings to leave me on a guys trip. Don't get me wrong he has planned this for a while, but bad timing. We thought our movers would be here by now, and they have not. I have had to shop/return later things like business casual a hair dryer straightener etc because I do not have anything. At least it has given me sometime to check the city out.
I went on a little hike with Maggie called Four Dances. It was actually really pretty, you could see the Yellowstone river just below and the rim rock and pine trees. It really was serene. Close by was the Pictographs the Native Americans made so I went up and explored ancient drawings of men with "weeping eyes" symbolizing the most powerful animal they knew a bear.
Church today, was interesting. It is so different than in Alpine where there are families galore. Very small ward to say the least.
That is my schpeel for the week, I miss my boy Bowen soooo much. I just feel bad for that kid first Africa then mommy and daddy move to Montana. He has no idea what is going on, and most likely will never remember this.
Have a great week!
1. Gone Hunting
2. Trump All The Way
3. Levi's and Country
4. Small Big City
5. Nice People
6. 15 minuets anywhere and everywhere...
7. Construction
8. Purple Sunsets
9. Tribal County
10. Heffer
Yes, that pretty much sums up Billings. I started work with my preceptor Tish Guldborg now Parker since she just got married, seems to be the confusion and topic of interest around the office. Tells me the first day, I just got married in July. He is half Hispanic. But you would never guess he is the biggest racist of anyone I know. He says if our girls bring home a black man you betta get ready cause he is not making it in my front door. I responded. Oh I just moved from Saint Louis.
We then finish up our day me learning epic and shadowing her most of the day, because it's only fair how to see how the other providers care. Later, she talks about the whole Nike scandal putting out the advertisement TV of Kapernick. My preceptor says to be you bet we layed all our nike clothes and shoes lined up and then I told my girls what should we do with all our Nike things? They said throw it away. Then I said good girls that's right. So they dumped thousands worth of Nike in a dumpster.
She also has been teaching me hunting lingo and cow lingo apparently. I guess I had no idea what in the world was a Heffer… it is a cow that has not had a baby. Supposedly her cousins raise Heffers and they go for $10,000 she said- that's more than a car! Yes, that is more than most cars...
Trump came to Billings this week. Trump attire was being worn galore. Trump stickers, trump wigs, trump banners. Trumps name was everywhere TRUMP. I thought it would be kind of fun to see the president- how many people can actually say that. When the time came to go to the convention center. My body just did not want to move- there was supposed to be 12,000 downtown. And in a city like this there is no way I was getting out at a decent time. So I decided I would do better things and watch Netflix.
The sunsets are gorgeous here. I think I read because Montana is further away from the equator it makes the sky look like it is more oval than flat, hard to explain but that is why it is called Big Sky State. Everything is sky and when the sunset hits its the whole sky illuminating. Gorgeous.
Construction has taken a good chunk of this city. Although it takes mostly 15 minutes to get anywhere there are still one way roads. And if one road is closed down- oh prepare for it.
I have been interviewing Nannys and it is so hard for me to part from Emily or Emmy as Bowen calls her. She is great with him and I just cant imagine someone better except me of course. But I will have to make a decision soon since Bowen is coming up this week.
Chris left just in time as I came to Billings to leave me on a guys trip. Don't get me wrong he has planned this for a while, but bad timing. We thought our movers would be here by now, and they have not. I have had to shop/return later things like business casual a hair dryer straightener etc because I do not have anything. At least it has given me sometime to check the city out.
I went on a little hike with Maggie called Four Dances. It was actually really pretty, you could see the Yellowstone river just below and the rim rock and pine trees. It really was serene. Close by was the Pictographs the Native Americans made so I went up and explored ancient drawings of men with "weeping eyes" symbolizing the most powerful animal they knew a bear.
Church today, was interesting. It is so different than in Alpine where there are families galore. Very small ward to say the least.
That is my schpeel for the week, I miss my boy Bowen soooo much. I just feel bad for that kid first Africa then mommy and daddy move to Montana. He has no idea what is going on, and most likely will never remember this.
Have a great week!
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Cyanotic Spell
It was just another typical tantrum of Bowen...but it was not. After fighting with Bowen to get him in his car seat after we went to The Ridge. He was not wanting to go back in his chair after going on the slide and the nearby playground. We finally managed to get him in and he was not taking it. Thrusting, arching, screaming, kicking we get him in. He took a deep breath and exhaled... and exhaled...and exhaled some more. He went from crying with loud screams to a cry that was silent. Scary silence as his face turned from red in anger to blue in hypoxia then an ash pale. His body was jerking violently and eyes rolling back of his head. Now I know what Aubrey had been talking about. When we were in Africa she said that Bowen had passed out and they had 911 dialed in their phone. He came back to it. All because Marcus had come home and Bowen was afraid he would take him away from Aubrey. As Bowen's eyes turned I ran back grabbed him from the car seat, and in the meantime happened to grab him violently and hit his head on the car frame leaving a big goose egg. I put three large blows in his mouth and face hoping the reflex would have him come back. It didn't.... I kept yelling Bowen Bowen. And his body went limp. Arms dangled. I can only imagine the feeling of a little boy drowning, I can not imagine how hard it would be to witness. Bowen came back a couple seconds later and pointed at the car. He then layed his head on my shoulder and started to whimper. Ah my heart, being a nurse I should have been more in a relaxed state of mind. Witnessing your own child something like this is my worst nightmare. My legs were like jello and I could only hold him and thankfully he came to. My mom on the other hand, was perfectly calm. She knew he would come to. Its called a Cyanotic Spell, I later learned. Sometimes when kids get very angry, frustrated, scared, or hurt they will hold there breath and then pass out. It can help to blow in their face but it doesn't work with every child. It scares me to death. Bowen has had episodes like this before but never passing out. It outgrows sometimes not until they are 5 or 6! I hope he is the exception but like the face blowing working probably not.
Chris is officially in our new place in Billings. He is really liking the crowd thing and loves the view from the Rim Rocks. He says the last person who worked there left him with a mess of patients but that's where Chris will learn. We are missing him especially Bowen but really he misses Moana a little more. The other morning he surprised me from his usual first word of the morning "baba", to "moana". uh. I thought, had he been dreaming of Moana?
One of my favorite things when I put Bowen down at night is sowng? He loves when I sing to him and gestures me to sit down in the chair. He is so sweet, when I stop singing he looks up from sucking his thumb, sowng? How can I resist?
Bowen especially likes to tell me he has owies. He points at his knees owies. His head.. owies.. arm.. owies. Mostly because he falls a lot. I had a big zit on my cheek and he pointed at my face owie? Yes, bowen thank you for pointing it out.
We had fun this week going to the planetarium with Ashley and being able to see them for at least a little bit before Bowen would run off to the next thing. We also went to the planetarium in SLC with Blake and his girlfriend. Oh young love, pretty soon they will be doing taxes and finding moving expenses and the best nanny for their child. Growing up comes with lots of responsibility. But also a lot of freedom too.
Chris has found a great doggie day care for Maggie while he has been at work. They even cut her ears which he says they don't normally do. He also found a great lunch place by his work and a gym close to our house which he has been taking advantage of with no kids and no wife. He even played video games until 1:30 in the morning with a guy he met from church. Oh the bachelor life. Just wait, we will rock your world yet again Chris.
Have a great week and we will too,
Love, Cameryn
Chris is officially in our new place in Billings. He is really liking the crowd thing and loves the view from the Rim Rocks. He says the last person who worked there left him with a mess of patients but that's where Chris will learn. We are missing him especially Bowen but really he misses Moana a little more. The other morning he surprised me from his usual first word of the morning "baba", to "moana". uh. I thought, had he been dreaming of Moana?
One of my favorite things when I put Bowen down at night is sowng? He loves when I sing to him and gestures me to sit down in the chair. He is so sweet, when I stop singing he looks up from sucking his thumb, sowng? How can I resist?
Bowen especially likes to tell me he has owies. He points at his knees owies. His head.. owies.. arm.. owies. Mostly because he falls a lot. I had a big zit on my cheek and he pointed at my face owie? Yes, bowen thank you for pointing it out.
We had fun this week going to the planetarium with Ashley and being able to see them for at least a little bit before Bowen would run off to the next thing. We also went to the planetarium in SLC with Blake and his girlfriend. Oh young love, pretty soon they will be doing taxes and finding moving expenses and the best nanny for their child. Growing up comes with lots of responsibility. But also a lot of freedom too.
Chris has found a great doggie day care for Maggie while he has been at work. They even cut her ears which he says they don't normally do. He also found a great lunch place by his work and a gym close to our house which he has been taking advantage of with no kids and no wife. He even played video games until 1:30 in the morning with a guy he met from church. Oh the bachelor life. Just wait, we will rock your world yet again Chris.
Have a great week and we will too,
Love, Cameryn
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Mas Mas Mas
It has been two weeks since Chris has left for Billings MT. I feel like we were able to be a part before we had kids for this long but now with Bowen I am just exhausted! With being out of school and chasing this kid down leaves me so tired. I swear I am more tired with him then doing clinicals 9 hours a day.
Chris has said these things about Billings: there is a new breed here Cam it will be an eye opener, the first thing someone said to me here is do you hunt? There is one thing I noticed is that they run out of your favorite things, there is a line out the door for Shopko who shops there and what is it?
This will be a change but it seems like Chris has already met some fun friends there. He has gone boating, mountain biking, hiking, movies, dinner, got a new gym pass. He is living the bachelor life up. The first week he worked he was so sick. I felt bad because he had this chronic cough that made me a little weary especially since it was his first week and making a good impression is important. He did of course cracking jokes and his coworkers asking what is something we don't know about you? He responds, I like pineapple on my pizza.
As for Bowen and I, we definitely have not been bored. We play with friends and family all day everyday. Bowen loves his uncles so much and its going to be hard switching to no family once again. We will meet friends who are like family. He knows almost everyone's names from pictures. He asks about Aubrey and Brinley and sometimes Marcus.
We went to Chik fil e this week and brought it over to Ali my cousins house. Bowen had his first chicken nugget. He took a bite it was kind of good and then took another bite. Then of course he chucks it to Murphy there dog. Oh Bowen eating is just a game. He hasn't been the best eater. I will go through the effort of trying to make him a somewhat nutritious meal with well rounded foods. Then I result to cereal because he hasn't eaten anything all day. Except milk. Milk is his favorite.
Bowen is such a talker. He babbles and really does not shut up. Not that it is a bad thing but he will repeat things over and over. Mas mas mas mas mas mas mas mas mas. Baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba. Wawawawawawawwa. I am going to go crazy. We facetime Chris all the time and sometimes at work. Someone walked into his office 8:30am as Bowen and I had an early start. He was playing with us and then said oh sorry just playing with my family. I was thinking oh gosh these are just great impressions. But Bowen misses his Daddy.
Everytime the door bell rings. Emmy? Emmy? Bowen loves his nanny Emily. She is such a sweetheart I can't ask anyone for someone better than her. She loves him and he is just in a hypnosis with her. It helps that she is cute and will do anything he wants such as throw rocks in the pond, go to the park, give him bunnies or bunny crackers, go jump. He is in heaven. Hopefully I can find someone as great as Emily. It has been nice not having to worry about him with her. And she knows him so well, I just worry he wont like anyone else!
Bowen and I have been to Alpine Days, looking at the Aviary with the birds and picking blackberries, we also went to the zoo this week with the whole family. Bowen has been busy busy busy.
As for me it has been great not having to do school. Although I feel a little guilty not doing anything it is a necessity for me just to relax for a bit. I have been obsessed with the Ted Bundy audiobook about 19 hours. I just finished it and have to say can't wait for the movie. I also have been picking up my piano again since the movers forgot it. I love it so much I think why do I stop I just need someone to take my crying baby and let me practice haha. I also have been running with Bowen and man he is getting heavy not sure how far we go but at the end I am dying. Pushing the Bob stroller and his 30 lb body with diapers and wipes, I am done for the day!
Chris has said these things about Billings: there is a new breed here Cam it will be an eye opener, the first thing someone said to me here is do you hunt? There is one thing I noticed is that they run out of your favorite things, there is a line out the door for Shopko who shops there and what is it?
This will be a change but it seems like Chris has already met some fun friends there. He has gone boating, mountain biking, hiking, movies, dinner, got a new gym pass. He is living the bachelor life up. The first week he worked he was so sick. I felt bad because he had this chronic cough that made me a little weary especially since it was his first week and making a good impression is important. He did of course cracking jokes and his coworkers asking what is something we don't know about you? He responds, I like pineapple on my pizza.
As for Bowen and I, we definitely have not been bored. We play with friends and family all day everyday. Bowen loves his uncles so much and its going to be hard switching to no family once again. We will meet friends who are like family. He knows almost everyone's names from pictures. He asks about Aubrey and Brinley and sometimes Marcus.
We went to Chik fil e this week and brought it over to Ali my cousins house. Bowen had his first chicken nugget. He took a bite it was kind of good and then took another bite. Then of course he chucks it to Murphy there dog. Oh Bowen eating is just a game. He hasn't been the best eater. I will go through the effort of trying to make him a somewhat nutritious meal with well rounded foods. Then I result to cereal because he hasn't eaten anything all day. Except milk. Milk is his favorite.
Bowen is such a talker. He babbles and really does not shut up. Not that it is a bad thing but he will repeat things over and over. Mas mas mas mas mas mas mas mas mas. Baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba baba. Wawawawawawawwa. I am going to go crazy. We facetime Chris all the time and sometimes at work. Someone walked into his office 8:30am as Bowen and I had an early start. He was playing with us and then said oh sorry just playing with my family. I was thinking oh gosh these are just great impressions. But Bowen misses his Daddy.
Everytime the door bell rings. Emmy? Emmy? Bowen loves his nanny Emily. She is such a sweetheart I can't ask anyone for someone better than her. She loves him and he is just in a hypnosis with her. It helps that she is cute and will do anything he wants such as throw rocks in the pond, go to the park, give him bunnies or bunny crackers, go jump. He is in heaven. Hopefully I can find someone as great as Emily. It has been nice not having to worry about him with her. And she knows him so well, I just worry he wont like anyone else!
Bowen and I have been to Alpine Days, looking at the Aviary with the birds and picking blackberries, we also went to the zoo this week with the whole family. Bowen has been busy busy busy.
As for me it has been great not having to do school. Although I feel a little guilty not doing anything it is a necessity for me just to relax for a bit. I have been obsessed with the Ted Bundy audiobook about 19 hours. I just finished it and have to say can't wait for the movie. I also have been picking up my piano again since the movers forgot it. I love it so much I think why do I stop I just need someone to take my crying baby and let me practice haha. I also have been running with Bowen and man he is getting heavy not sure how far we go but at the end I am dying. Pushing the Bob stroller and his 30 lb body with diapers and wipes, I am done for the day!
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