Monday, December 26, 2016

Birthday/Christmas Eve/Christmas Day

This is always the biggest week of the year! There is always so much packed into this week.
I worked my birthday- my choice. I know I can't believe I did but I actually really enjoy my job being 39 weeks pregnant. I get lots of attention ;). All the nurses are amazed how well I'm doing. There has been a couple of residents and nurses who are pregnant that had premies/pre-eclampsia, htn, and other complications. It is because the workplace is so stressful! I am so happy I went PRN. One of my colleagues wanted to do some acupuncture on me. She said it got her water to break. I was a little reluctant and let her do it for a minute and then I was just not feeling it. He will come out when he is ready!
For my birthday I watched lots of Gilmore Girls and Chris talked me into going ice skating... at 38 weeks. Well he didn't really talk me into it i'll admit I really wanted to go. So I was very very careful and it was lots of fun. We then went to Pi pizza- my favorite! This has been a birthday tradition since I have lived in St Louis for the past three years. Skating and pizza.

We made it past our goal! Baby has stayed nice and toasty past Christmas. We matched check, I finished finals check, we had Christmas check, now to just have a baby! Ah it is crazy I can't believe this little guy will be here so soon!
I have never been away from family during Christmas so it was kind of hard this year but also fun. Chris and I got to spend some family time as two soon to be three. He was on call so I was hoping and praying he wouldn't be called in. He rounded on some patients Christmas Eve and then we had went and played after. Meaning we went to the gym and got some last minute dinner stuff for Christmas day. We went to a movie, got Chinese food just like Christmas Story and ran into our friends (the other smith's) at the restaurant.
Chris was thinking he had to go in Christmas Eve so I really wanted to do something to pass the time. I am not sure why but I really just wanted to do a puzzle. So we ran over to Target and that was an experience of itself. I felt so bad for the workers there. The place was a madhouse. The only puzzles that were there were were Disney which was 500 or more and then Noah's ark which was about 300. So I grabbed that and got out of that store as quickly as possible.
It was a Christmas Miracle! Chris didn't have to go in, the patient pressure was adequate and he didn't have to do surgery after all. We decorated the "Picasso Gingerbread House" is what I am now calling it. It was already falling a part. We turned on some really bad Christmas movies that I thought would be good- A Christmas Spirit got 4 1/2 stars and I don't know who rated it but it was awful! We did our Noah's puzzle while watching it.

Christmas morning was special I woke up and made a breakfast casserole and cinnamon roles. "Yes an unhealthy breakfast!" was Chris's reaction. We opened presents starting with Maggie- she got a couple of bones, a snowman, and new collar! Although what she really needs is a grooming they don't have any openings during the holidays!! Chris got a NES Classic which he has been playing, and Chris got me a T-Swift piano book haha. I have noticed Chris likes the Twofer gifts. Which is cool because we both want it. We got a cool portable speaker that is rated one of the best. I also got a Google Home thinking we could use it for other things and a speaker. When I asked Chris why don't we just take back the other one? He looked at me and said ya but it's waterproof... so where do we go that is supposed to be waterproof? The beach, pool,.. I don't know. We don't go to the beach or pool... Okay maybe the OR... ah there is the real answer.! He also got us a tripod for your phone to take pictures. I did get a big purchase this year really wanting a vitamix... (birthday/ Christmas) combo. Ya this is going to be an expensive time of year with the baby's birthday, Christmas, and my birthday!

Hour church! We had our Christmas program and Chris played a great piano piece. We played with all our toys and gadgets and talked to my brother Tanner calling from Oregon! It was so good to see him, he seems so happy! We went to our neighbors for dinner who just had their baby a couple of days ago. She is so sweet! Her name is Flora Lupine Horrocks. Noelle showed me how to do a Moby and it is actually very comfortable!
We already have a girlfriend for him ;) We had some ham, funeral potatoes, and green bean casserole, I made a salad and some bread. We played games until 11- mostly Bang. Which the outlaws won! Seriously everytime I play Chris is Sheriff.. I swear there is something he is doing when he is dealing.
Well Christmas was very special this year and I was sad I couldn't be with family but we made it special! We love you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ice Storm

 I always get sick right before my birthday probably because of finals and many people in close proximity. I have a feeling I either got sick from work or the Christmas party we had last Sunday. I started feeling sick a couple of days after so who knows which one. I always thought you got a cold from going outside man I have come far since NP school. This girl in my pathophys. class and I have been studying for most of the semester together. I definitely feel more motivated when I study with someone. 

This weekend was scary with the ice storms. I had gone grocery shopping during the day and was working on my Relief Society Lesson. Chris and I wanted to go to dinner and he called me and said I don't want to leave tonight the roads are awful! I didn't know how bad it was not going outside at night. We walk Maggie and literally I was iceskating on the roads. I could not stop laughing. Everything was canceled this weekend all our fun plans! We had a date night planned, fun residency party we were planning on going to, caroling at the church, and teaching relief society. None of which happened. What did happen was me finally cleaning out my closet, cleaning, and washing baby clothes and getting the crib together. It was actually very productive although we literally did not leave the house for days. I guess we need to get used to this before the baby comes! Start finding some indoor hobbies. I am keeping up with my piano. I have to say piano is MUCH more fun when you practice everyday. If I skip multiple days and then come back to it it always takes me twice as long to learn again. 

Having no school means more homemade meals. Chris is not complaining. I have made more food this weekend than this whole semester of school! I made fudge, a roast, taco soup, pancakes and eggs. Since this weekend we literally did not leave it was kind of fun to be stuck at home. Chris watched a lot of football...and more football. He also helped our neighbors with the annoying barking dog who barks at 4pm every night and it doesn't stop until 11 pm. I have to text him to bring his dog inside. Isn't that animal cruelty? It is 10 degrees outside!!

I had what the nurses called "princess shifts this week". I have to say it is SO nice to have 5 hours of work and then go home or go grocery shopping. I could get used to the princess shifts. I ended up signing up for work on my birthday, who does that? Well we do have our Christmas party that morning and it is single bonus so why not right. 

Chris and I have been taking advantage of going to the movies, since it will be a while when we get to see more movies again. We went and saw Moana. Not my favorite honestly, its going to be hard to watch all kid movies in the future...

Well this week I turn 26 it is christmas eve and christmas! So exciting. 


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Feisty Pregnant Women

Interviews are almost over!!! We will know by December 14th where we go for fellowship! What a relief. One more match and then no more matches.. EVER!!! I have my last final December 14 for Pathophys. and then we'll find out where we will live for the next year starting July 2017. December 14th will be a big day. Hopefully baby isn't here yet, but hey I wont complain if he makes an appearance.

This last weekend I was cleaning out and getting the baby's room all set up. I got rid of an old clutter collecting mail box thing that was "his and hers". Left it by the dumpster thinking maybe someone will want it? So this morning I was walking with Maggie. The last 100 yards I always let Maggie off the leash so she can sprint to the house. There was a homeless guy digging in our dumpster. Maggie goes rushing up to him and does her little piddle and submissive roll. Dogs are the best.

Monday I had an US and he is measuring right on track.Now i've had all my tests Tdap shot, flu shot, Rhogam, did my glucose test, now just need to have the baby! I went running in the morning and am still running.. I think it is because I ran so much before I was pregnant that my body is still okay with it. I do wear a belly band though! Hold that little one or not so little guy now up. Hopefully I don't jinx it but I just go kind of slow and when I feel like I need to walk I just walk.

Since going PRN I have been able to be more social. Seriously, between work and school there wasn't much time to spend with colleagues and friends. Now I am catching up! Tuesday we had the missionaries over, I made African Yam Soup, garlic bread, and a tasty salad :). It was very healthy, the Elders are probably more used to southern fried chicken and BBQ. I've been wanting to have the Elders over but literally haven't had a night where it worked out for both Chris and I's schedule so we finally made it work.
Weds. Chris had late lecture so I went to a colleague team bonding paint night.  Paint Your Pet was the theme. Now you can really tell I am am obsessed with my dog because I have a painted picture or shrine of her now.
Thursday morning a girl from my Creighton DNP program found me online. We are taking the same class and so we have been studying together. It has been really nice, online is tough to stay motivated!! It's nice to have each other to motivate and study together. She is a NICU nurse at Cardinal Glennon and it is the acute care pediatrics DNP track. We both graduate the same time which will be nice!

Thursday was the interviewees dinner, we had a kid from UCLA staying with us and one of Chris's friends staying with us who was interviewing at WashU, Jesse. There were a lot of boys in the house. I was definitely outnumbered. While they were out at the dinner Vanessa and I (one of my friend's here in st louis) went shopping. I got some Christmas ideas didn't get anything yet. I like to wait a little bit with the two of us because I feel like he will see it even if I hide a present. With kids I want to do my Christmas shopping a little early. But kind of pointless when it is just the two of you. This will be my first Christmas away from home! So Chris and I will have to make it very special... by me working Christmas and Chris on call ha! Well, someone's got to do it. Emergency eye cases and babies coming out, it just can't wait.

Friday I had a colleague throwing a Margarita Party Luncheon so I drove to St. Peter's and hung out with the some of the nurses. It's nice to get away and talk outside the work setting. I had a virgin or non-virgin is what my pregnancy brain told everyone that I had.

The boys came back from their interviews and we went to Pi Pizza. We parked and waited an hour for the food. Before I even got the food I knew I had to be back for the "Surprise Baby Shower" that my friends were throwing me. Not so surprise obviously since Chris told me not to work on this day. So I had to leave without getting my pizza :( I was so sad. Don't mess with a prego women and her food. So I went home and acted surprise. They asked did you know!!!? I told them, well we were at dinner and I had to leave early because Chris said that there was something waiting for me when I went home...I had a suspicion. My friend from high school and home neighbor in Utah Jessica threw the party and had Rachel Barzee get people from the ward, colleagues, work friends together. It was fun! I wasn't expecting Tracy to be there who is like my second mom and love her. I did get to have some Pi Pizza later :)

Being pregnant makes you feisty at least for me it does. There have been incidences at work, church, and home (I know sorry Chris) where you just have to pull out the mama card!!! At Church last week it was regional stake conference. I was by myself sitting towards the back not bothering anyone. Chris was at an interview, of course. I was writing my brother on his mission on my tablet. Literally a man who I will not name that rhymes with Markyle came up to me and said "You know this is conference, you really should be listening" Oh shoot, you did not just say that to a pregnant women!!! I turned on my "work voice" as I call it and told him, "yes it is conference and I am taking notes for my brother who is on a mission. So thank you." AND back OFF! I didn't want to say that last part but really!!!?? People just got to mind their own business, and you know what I know it wont end when I have this baby. I will always have people coming up to me telling me their opinions. I have a little bit of Clyde blood in me... uh oh ;) !!!

Saturday, Vanessa and I went on a little jog in Tower Grove. There was a 5K going on and 10K. We ran in the race but obviously didn't sign up. We had no idea there was a race that day. People were offering us water and Gatorade and a medal. No jk about the medal, but I felt pretty good, a pregnant woman passing some people!
Jesse, Chris, Mags and I went for a hike afterward and of course had to take him to Pappys after. I think we showed these guys a good time and that they can be happy if they matched in Saint Louis.
Saturday night we had our ward thanksgiving dinner. I told Chris, well this is going to be our social life for the next 10 years so we got to get used to it! (Obviously we don't do stuff like this very often) mostly we are hanging out with people who don't have kids or the residents. Usually these events are centered around kids but this will be us very very soon!

Off to Utah tomorrow! Can't wait to be here for a little while!

Love you all~!


Monday, October 17, 2016

California Girls

Chris was in Chicago this weekend for an Ophthalmology Conference and I didn’t have work for once this weekend! I went to LA to visit my longtime friend who I knew from pre-school, Mandy Blair. We have known each other- and she is probably one of my oldest and dearest friends. Although we live in different states we can always reunite and pick up where we left off. It was fun to have some girl time and we definitely had a memorable time in LA.
 Mandy showed me around LA and we took the metro downtown to go to the Natural History Museum and butterfly exhibit. A butterfly even landed on my hand. Isn’t that good luck? We saw a huge crowd outside the museum. There was confetti and a big race that said marathon on it. There were people running through the finish line. Me being a runner had to go see what was going on. We went over and stood in the side line for a minute. I went and asked a guy who was in charge of some cameras what this was for. He said that they were shooting a Samsung commercial. Watch out for the commercial maybe you will see a pregnant lady running through the finish line!

There are many things that I learned about the people and culture in LA. Well first of all, it is very different the STL. It is crazy how different they are, the trends, fashion, materialistic type vibe. LA is filled with young people who take lots of selfies. I literally witnessed a woman taking a selfie while we were at the farmers market watching a pig race. She went to the front and turned her back so that you could see the race in the background. She puckered her lips and took a selfie. Mandy bet that she would retake it, and guess what she retook it. Not one time but at least five times. I was so embarrassed for her. Also I learned that everyone is into moon readings (idk the exact name) and also astrology (zodiac sign/birthday stuff). Crystals are really big there too sending out mass energy. Although some of it sounds a little crazy, there’s something about California that speaks to me. The chill atmosphere, friendly people, healthy living/food, beach, great weather, and fun trends.
Of course LA being the city of rising fame and Hollywood everyone is into anything media- social media, TV, movies, music etc. Everyone has at least one account in facebook, twitter, snap chat- which I got thanks to Mandy, Instagram, Vine etc.

Anyways after the museums we went to dinner at this Italian restaurant that makes their own pasta. I got gnocchi artichoke that was super garlicky but very good. Mandy is pescatarian and I found this to be very common in LA well more so vegetarian. You can modify anything at restaurants and people are very accommodating- I like this because I am guilty of modifying a lot!

It’s Kesha! It’s Kesha! No I swear I saw her. Hurry let’s go! We heard these kids point out near a store we were by. Everyone is always on the lookout for celebrity spotting’s. You can especially tell where they are if you follow them on twitter or instagram ;).

That night we carved pumpkins and made caramel apples while watching Halloween movies in the background. Mandy told some real scary stories and made us all scared and freaking out when her roommate got home.

One morning I got up early and did some homework and thought I would just grab a yogurt from the fridge. Not thinking anything of it- Mandy asked me what the expiration date on it said. I was like I have no idea, I didn’t check?! So I reached in the trash and you would never have guessed what the expiration date said…. April 2014. Okay ladies, you got to clean out your fridge! Mandy was freaking out I was going to die. I just told her if anything I will get a really bad stomach ache. The yogurt tasted fine though! At least I didn’t notice anything strange…maybe that’s a bad thing.
I had the plan of going running on the beach and Mandy kept thinking I was going to fall dead. Nope perfectly fine! We went running and it felt good to be by the ocean!

We did a few more things that day: went to GreyStone Mansion- overlooks the city of LA, and we went to the farmers market and got dinner, then ended the night with a improve show and some famous cookies from LA. We went home and watched HP but I ended up falling asleep! And I never fall asleep during movies!

I went to the singles ward with Mandy on Sunday where she had to teach Relief Society. She did a great job! Before I went out to California, I got released from Young Womens. I was so sad, I love young womens but I was called to relief society teacher which may be good…especially having a little baby on the way.

I had an ultrasound today and baby has chubby cheaks! He is three pounds and measuring right where he is supposed to be! Can’t believe he will be here in no time.

(I am trying to figure out the best way to do photos I don't have any more space in my dropbox!) if anyone has some good suggestions I would be willing to consider!

pregnant women enjoying the sun

Butterfly exhibit

I apologize in advance, Mandy wanted to take a bunch of pregnancy shots!

Monday, October 3, 2016


I went to the floor expecting it to be a regular crazy day on Labor and Delivery. Instead I was told to go to the ICU to monitor a patient who had status asthmaticus "really bad asthma". The charge nurse actually called an ACT on this lady (which is like a code) she had really low sats and high HR and could barely get out the words: I can't breathe.
So I went to the ICU and monitored this patients baby while she was intubated. A MICU doctor came in and asked me how baby looked...I told him, honestly not so good. I had a feeling that something was going to happen..and guess what of course it did!! Because it's Barnes.
Baby and mom were in metabolic acidosis (really bad). The OB doctors came down to the ICU and said we are going to do a c-section. Everyone in the ICU was so into it, most had never seen anything like this. They asked me is that a baby carrier? Are those baby monitors?? ICU pregnant women, so sad but everyone wants to be in on the case and I was her NURSE! There were probably about 50 people there consisting of the ICU team, NICU team, Peds team, special care team, respiratory team, OB docs, and many more standby people watching.
The lady before she was intubated provided us a number of an Uncle Carlos. We called Uncle Carlos..not her Uncle.. but a neighbor who was able to contact her mother in Puerto Rico. This women was considered black out status, which means that basically she has identified her husband as if he were to come looking for her that we would not be able to tell him where she is. The husband tried to stab her and successfully did so while she was pregnant. I understand things get heated but stabbing really?? Did I mention this girl was 20 years old and has two kids but we had no idea who was watching the kids...and she just got major surgery and had her baby...
Baby did okay after, mom on the other hand did much worse. It was so sad, she had to go on echmo which basically breathes for you and is a last resort before death...
She is still in the ICU and this all happened a week ago.

Chris had an interview at USC which he surprisingly really liked! I got to do a girls night and went shopping and had dinner. I spent the day at my high school friends house who moved to Saint Louis a couple of weeks ago and are in STL for good! We watched conference together and ate rollercoasters. I would have made cinnamon rolls if Chris was here and kept the Smith tradition alive ;).

Now I have a test I am studying for in Pathophysiology!! Definitely the hardest class to date in my program. At least I am getting it done before BABY comes!!!



Sunday, September 11, 2016


Somehow I was able to schedule myself to get off monday-friday. I don't know how this happened since it is rare to not be on call or have a class or something this week. My dad and I were talking and he told me he was going to NY and jokingly said you should come! Well, I actually have time to go! So we made it happen. I was able to spend a few nights in NYC with my dad and I daughter/father bonding. He had to work most of the day but we ran in central park in the mornings, got lunch in the afternoons, and hung out at night.

When I first flew in I had the most miserable flight! Usually I like to fly Delta because I don't have a layover and they are pretty accommodating. I fly on the oldest/smallest plane I have ever been on before. The flight left at 6am so I had to wake up at 4am to make it on time. I made it but not with much time since TSA has gotten a little more uptight it being close to Sept. 11th I think. I didn't have time to ask for a seat or trade a seat to an aisle because of course I have to pee three times an hour. So I sat crammed up against the plane wall with a big man to my right snoring away. Uh! I just couldn't drink water the whole time and held it until I made it to NY which was surprisingly only a 2 1/2 flight.

I made it to NYC and took good ol' Uber into the city. A lot cheaper than what I was thinking it would be. He was telling me about all the good broadway shows in broken english of what I should see. His suggestion was Jersey Boys. We stayed in the Marriott Hotel where I was dying to take a shower from the flight. I then met up with dad for lunch at ate probably the exact replica if I could create a lunch place this would be it. It was called Hale and Hearty Soups, so good! I met Erin who works with my dad and knows one of my friends from St. Louis Grace. After lunch I ventured into the city where many people told me to go to Magnolias Cafe. Everything looked really tasty but I am not a big fan of cupcakes. I did get a few cookies though that were delicious! I walked towards the way to central park where I saw the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art). I think I had been there before maybe last time I was in NYC but honestly cannot remember it may just be that I remembered a bunch of the paintings and I just thought I had been there. This surprisingly was one of my favorite things I did in NY. I have found out that when going to museums you have to listen to an audio where someone explains the painting otherwise I have NO idea what I am looking at especially in modern art... The MOMA also has one of my favorite paintings. Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.

By the time I was done with the museum I met my dad, erin, and her fiancé at a restaurant that was "fancy Mexican food". I asked the waiter if he had anything that was like fajitas, he looked at me like I was crazy. I ordered something with shrimp and who knows what. It was tasty! Not the Mexican food I am used to but it was good!

We got up early the next morning to run, and I swear I saw Gabby Douglas walking. You probably run into a lot of celebrities in NY but they are just wearing regular clothes and you probably walk by them and then think was that...? I know they were in NY so it is possible! We ate breakfast in the continental breakfast area for premium Marriott members, thanks dad, that had an awesome view of the city. I was trying to decide what to do on my second day in NY and knew the US open was going on. I got last minute tickets and took the subway into Queens where I thankfully didn't get lost, or approached by any crazy people. I actually feel a lot safer in NY than in St. Louis, when I came back to St. Louis I got approached by two men two different times but one with Chris when we were at the gas station. Anyways, that's a different story.

Its always been a dream of mine to go to the US open or Wimbledon. It was a hot hot day and I had to sit in the sun, but they give you a fan at least to cool yourself. Now was the chance! I got to see Plikova and Kojuh who were the first to play. Plikova was ranked 11 and Konjuh was ranked 92. Konjuh was the underdog for sure and everyone was cheering her on. 6-2 6-2 was the final score. Then the second match I saw was Andy Murray from England and Nishikori from Japan. That was an amazing match to watch, the guys hit so hard. It makes me want to play.

That night we went to an italian pizza place by Broadway, and my dad told me theres someone you know who will be at the show tonight? I told him to give me a clue, and he said he's from California.. automatically I knew it was John Call! We went to Fiddler on the Roof which was really entertaining. I forgot the ending of the show which was kind of depressing, I won't give it away but I forgot to look it up because I don't remember why it is called Fiddler on the Roof? I must have missed that part in the beginning.

My last day in sad then back to reality. I went to the "Night at the Museum" Natural History Museum. Which was pretty cool, probably better with kids but now I can say I have been! I met my dad for lunch and we went to Chelsea Market and the High Line. Such a cool area, if I lived in NY that would be the place to live.

Back to work back to school, back to life! Had a great time with my dad! Could be a last alone time before baby comes! So happy to have this wonderful man in my life and a great example.


Books in the park

MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)

Natural History Museum (Night at the Museum) 

The High Line and Chelsea Market