Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ice Storm

 I always get sick right before my birthday probably because of finals and many people in close proximity. I have a feeling I either got sick from work or the Christmas party we had last Sunday. I started feeling sick a couple of days after so who knows which one. I always thought you got a cold from going outside man I have come far since NP school. This girl in my pathophys. class and I have been studying for most of the semester together. I definitely feel more motivated when I study with someone. 

This weekend was scary with the ice storms. I had gone grocery shopping during the day and was working on my Relief Society Lesson. Chris and I wanted to go to dinner and he called me and said I don't want to leave tonight the roads are awful! I didn't know how bad it was not going outside at night. We walk Maggie and literally I was iceskating on the roads. I could not stop laughing. Everything was canceled this weekend all our fun plans! We had a date night planned, fun residency party we were planning on going to, caroling at the church, and teaching relief society. None of which happened. What did happen was me finally cleaning out my closet, cleaning, and washing baby clothes and getting the crib together. It was actually very productive although we literally did not leave the house for days. I guess we need to get used to this before the baby comes! Start finding some indoor hobbies. I am keeping up with my piano. I have to say piano is MUCH more fun when you practice everyday. If I skip multiple days and then come back to it it always takes me twice as long to learn again. 

Having no school means more homemade meals. Chris is not complaining. I have made more food this weekend than this whole semester of school! I made fudge, a roast, taco soup, pancakes and eggs. Since this weekend we literally did not leave it was kind of fun to be stuck at home. Chris watched a lot of football...and more football. He also helped our neighbors with the annoying barking dog who barks at 4pm every night and it doesn't stop until 11 pm. I have to text him to bring his dog inside. Isn't that animal cruelty? It is 10 degrees outside!!

I had what the nurses called "princess shifts this week". I have to say it is SO nice to have 5 hours of work and then go home or go grocery shopping. I could get used to the princess shifts. I ended up signing up for work on my birthday, who does that? Well we do have our Christmas party that morning and it is single bonus so why not right. 

Chris and I have been taking advantage of going to the movies, since it will be a while when we get to see more movies again. We went and saw Moana. Not my favorite honestly, its going to be hard to watch all kid movies in the future...

Well this week I turn 26 it is christmas eve and christmas! So exciting. 


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