Saturday, October 20, 2018


I won tickets last week to see the Nile Rodeo here in town. That was the Smith's christening into Billings, MT, to see if we have what it really takes to live here. We absolutely loved it. We all got in jeans, flannels, cowboy boots and were ready for the "bunking bronco" as Bowen kept saying. I was gearing him up that morning watching a video of cowboys riding "rough stock" what I later learned; Which are untrained horses and bulls usually bred and raised for rodeos. Bowen on our way to the rodeo in Chris's arms with the biggest grin said, "Excited!" He loved watching the Booms or Fireworks. There was so much happening in the stadium he was for once sitting still and quiet. On the way home from the Rodeo, Bowen surprised Chris and I. He started singing ABCs? I didn't even know he knew how to sing it. He started out of no where abcde and then Chris and I looked at each other what in the world? He knew a good 60% of the song but it completely blew my mind.

Bowen's favorite word right now. "Excited". This week has been gorgeous! We decided to seize the day and get chipotle and bring it to Chris's work. There is a park across the street where we had lunch. On the way to lunch Bowen repeated Daddy's park, excited! That kid has the happiest smile and the saddest frown. He knows how to wear his emotions well on his sleeve. He is my little buddy and I love it when he says Mommy bath, Mommy sing, Mommy hand. Oh I just love this stage right now. He is testing us to see how far he can go from getting into trouble. Today he was coloring in his coloring book and Chris and I were finishing dinner. I soon saw him sneaky come up to the table and start using the crayons in the grooves of the chair. Bowen...we don't draw on the chair, he looked up at me smiled, he knew exactly what I meant. He then started to do it again until Chris said Bowen, no we don't draw on furniture. He smiles and now more then ever starts going at it.

This week was the illness from HE double hockey sticks. My nanny last week said on Friday that she wasn't feeling good, then she missed Monday work when I was supposed to do a procedure with my preceptor. I was pretty bugged because I have been wanting to get more experience with skin procedures. Of course I tried to be sympathetic but deep down inside I really wanted to just bring Bowen with me to work for an hour. That night it hit me... yes the ultimate wipe out. I will let you interpret what that means. Let's just say I didn't leave the garbage can and toilet all night. Anyways, Chris looked at me with sympathetic eyes but also saying I love you but not going to touch you.

 I then stayed home again the next day from work, I told my preceptor I had the stomach flu. Skipping two days of work, although she understood. Chris got back from work and we of course did our tradition of going to Taco Tuesday. Chris was especially hungry because he has been into swimming a lot more, swimming makes you hungry! So instead of ordering his regular two tacos he ordered three. After dinner, Chris started to make me worry. Not feeling great we went home and I took over Bowen duty. Chris then got the same symptoms I had the previous day. He was up ALL night. He didn't sleep, nor I didn't sleep, although Bowen slept like a baby. We both sucked it up and went to work the next day on five hours of sleep probably three for Chris. Bowen had some of the runs but luckily nothing hit him! I was supposed to go to Mutual on Wednesday and had to bail. They were thankful for me staying away :)/
Luckily, we have gotten over that awful stomach flu it has somewhat affected the rest of the week because we have been super lazy trying to get over it and get some of our energy back. Seems to be getting better and we plan on going for a nice little walk/hike tomorrow in the nice weather. Who knows how many more of these we have.

love you all,


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