Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Corky Canvas

"Maggie do happy hands!" As we raise our hands out in front of her in a waving motion. We are trying to get her to stand on her hind legs and clap with her paws. Our puppy trainer says she taught her dog happy hands so now we have to too…Maggie knows lots of trick! Crawling, rolling over, spinning, dancing, shaking hands, playing dead, sit, lay down.. pretty soon we are going to teach her to get us a Diet Coke…

This week I made the appointment to get Maggie spade. It was a disaster. I tried to find the Humane Society who does it really cheap. The listed address on the website was wrong, my scheduled appointment was at 8:00 and I didn't get there until 9:00 an hour later. I begged them to take Maggie but the Dr. was already in surgery. I had to make it to my 9:30am meeting so I rushed to UNO having to leave Maggie in the car. When I came out of my meeting I just had a feeling in my gut that something was going to happen. Of course I was right. While I walked to my car she pokes her head looking at me out the window of the car. I open the door to find a nice treat. Dog poop everywhere…Good thing I kept wipes in my car. Of course you think you learn the first time. Chris and I went to go get RedBox yesterday and left Maggie in the car. I think she gets scared when we leave her in there because she "crapped her pants" she gets so scared.

This week we did a lot of painting. I think I was in a painting mood because we went to My Pottery Place where Chris and I got a deal to paint something together. We painted a big ol' mug that looked like a bowl. Then last night since we missed our Corky Canvas appointment for my birthday got to go paint again! Chris hasn't painted since Kindergarden and he got to paint twice. I have pictures below of Corky Canvas. I loved it! There was a lot of estrogen in the studio but there was one guy sitting across from Chris who was a little tipsy and kept saying I love you to him and you have a perfect smile. A little weird.

I taught my first Group Fitness Class called, "Becoming a Fitter You." I had to faculty members at my 5:15 class. I get to design the workout and I can choose between Core, cardio, and strength so this week was strength. I love working at the HYPR building. The Health and Wellness is so up my ally :) I teach two classes on monday and my 12:00 class was called so instead I got to go rock climbing for free! I can now do belaying and tie the crazy knots. That is one of my resolutions to switch up my workouts so this will be a good one. Also for those who work at HYPR get a deal on the "Adventure Trips" they take. Next week they are going Ice Picking in Iowa City so I decided to sign Chris and I up. It's kind of a bucket list thing I think and after seeing that movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty I am just trying to find fun crazy things… who knows what will be next.

Today I taught Young Womens on Who am I and Who can I become? I felt impressed to teach on this. While I was teaching I was just overcome with the Spirit and felt the things I needed to say. Everyone was crying at the end including me. I love those lessons where you can feel the Spirit so strong. I shared a quote from President Uchtdorf that said, "You are a Royal Spirit Daughter of an Almighty God you are a Princess destined to be a Queen your own wondrous story has already begun. Your Once Upon a time --is now." I also quoted "Knowing who we are, gives our lives purpose and help us make the right decisions."

I think it was exactly what I needed to hear and what my Young Women needed to hear. Great Sunday. Chris in the car then says, How was you lesson? I said Great! Everyone cried, "Ya us too, but exactly the opposite I fell asleep. Ya Elders Quorum isn't exactly like Relief Society and Young Womens ;)
Have a Fantastic Week! Keep it up...

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