We had some fun at ward basketball on Friday. Our boys team lost :( ! But their is always next year. Our girls bball team is lacking on recruitment but we still have fun with the few of us who show up.
Saturday, we played in a futsol tournament at SLU. More of a warm up for our team on Monday!
Then later that night we had Chris's Charity Dinner for Missouri School of the Blind. We got to dress up and eat steaks and party until well 10:00pm...
Yes I rocked my friend's baby to sleep at church.. I think Chris was a little paranoid, I was getting just a LITTLE baby hungry at the moment.
On Sunday we went to a art sculpture nature walk sounds much more fancy than it really is. Awesome weather with an awesome husband :)
An eyeball we found just lying around...
Wow! That is a giant eyeball! Nothing wrong with being baby hungry. 😉. Miss you guys!!