Sunday, November 10, 2013

That Smell….

The smell lingered…it haunted my nose. Just when I thought it was gone, it crept back up on me. My gagging reflex couldn't hold. I quickly put my hand to my mouth. I was going to throw up…

Stake Conference was today, we tried to find somewhere to sit in the 1/2 portion closer to the speaker. No luck, so we got stuck in the back with all the kids and tired parents. "Okay someone has got to take their kid out." Chris says almost too loud. I agreed though, that poor kid, he is standing with something on him that can't be comfortable, and I doubt he enjoys that smell too, or the rest of the 500 people at Conference. I thought okay, well they got to take their kid out sometime. Fifteen minutes passed, then twenty five. "I think I'm going to be sick." I told Chris. We left in a scurry as everyone stood up to sing. We ran for fresh air holding our hands to our mouth. I let out a huge gasp as I went outside. Ah the fresh air never smelt so good. We stayed outside for a good 5 mins. When we went back in, I swear I could smell it. We found refuge in the Relief Society room. As we sat down, there it was again. Let's just say I still feel sick…

Okay so here is the situation. Most days I park in the LDS Institute building near UNO campus. It is about a 10 min. walk to campus, but when it is a nice day I don't mind the walk. I have grown to dread this walk. The narrow sidewalks are so close to the road, I have to pay attention at all times to keep from getting hit. That's not the part I dread though, I dread walking on the sidewalk because I know that at least one time that morning I will get honked at. Not a "MOVE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" honk., but a "BEEP" and a "BEEP BEEP". Okay flattered when I was single, maybe. But once again,  after complaining to my mom about his and saying, who are these people and why are they honking at me? Again it happened, I'm walking to Micro one morning and a car did a "beep" at me going my direction. "Are you kidding me??" I said. Not like he could hear me. I think I even raised my hands like are you enjoying the scene? About a minute later it happened again! The worker in the truck was going the opposite direction and I could totally see him turn his head and stare at me!!! Then later that day I passed a man, probably about my dad's age I smile trying to be friendly, and what does he do when I pass? He "Woofs". No i'm not making this up. Isn't it called a cat call? Why did he woof? That is the problem about going back to school. I think people mistakened me at BYU for a 16 year old girl and now that I maybe look about 19 I get the creepy old men. A sign that says "Yes I am married and Yes I am almost 23" needs to be worn around my neck.

No one had any ideas for mutual this week. I have had the idea of doing Etiquette night for a long time so I tossed around the idea and I think the counselors were all relieved they didn't have to do much when I said I would teach it. My dad went to Cotillion school when he was younger so I thought I would ask him a few ideas. I had the girls try to figure out where everything goes for a "proper table setting". About 11 girls showed up which is VERY unusual. I was glad it was a good turn out because there was a lot of help and discussion. I entranced them with the some fun and kinda silly rules that they had no idea about. Butter your role for only one bite, passing to the right, and not blowing on your hot food is improper? Who would have known?

I love visiting Chris at the hospital. He gets $6 on his card everyday and sometimes he doesn't use it, so I meet him for lunch if I get the chance. We sometimes do crosswords and I get to hear about the dumb nurses who won't give him a break from his pager…hope I'm not one of those nurses?

Chris and I got the treatment this weekend to go to Creighton Bball and UNO hockey. Both from his residency and the married to medicine group. Two games in one weekend plus BYU football, ah Chris was in Heaven.

My cookie monster mug I made for Chris, this is what he found when he came home.
Needed to get a pic of this no shave november portrait

Federer lost this weekend :( So sad.

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