Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Time in Utah

Bowen will be 11 months week. I can't believe how much he has grown. Some of the things Bowen can do now is climb up and down the stairs. He says Mama, Dadda, Kitty Kitty, Star, and almost book. He loves the library and story time. He loves little kids, well people in general. He has so much personality. He is feisty and clenches his fist in balls. He is sweet when he is sleepy and is the only time he cuddles with you. He loves going to places and sitting in the cart watching people. He loves music and stops in his tracks when he hears the guitar. We went and saw Santa and Bowen was a little unsure about it. Santa pulled the moves on mom though, I saw Santa kissing mommy on the cheek....
Bowen has our hearts. I would do anything for that little boy. He loves the kitty and plays spatula and hit the kitty. He likes "Volcano" with his dad. Where Chris throws him in the air and then catches him and puts him on a pile of pillows on top of the bean bag. Bowen thinks this is the greatest thing. He is such a good eater, and wouldn't have guessed it but likes lemons?
This month we went to Temple Square and saw all the lights. I have been studying for finals so he has gotten some time with Grandma JoJo and Emily and Dad. I am finally finishing up my semester with only one more final for the rest of the school year.. at least that's what my mentor said. I am also finishing up my clinicals. It has taken a while but 150 hours is completed!

Bowen is just getting over his cold which lasted over two weeks. This last week he had a temp of 104 and he was miserable. Right before my final of course. Two days later I noticed a rash. Roseola! Yes! I dx my son, what of it!!!

We are headed to Montana next week to check out a potential job opportunity. Perhaps we will be the Montana Smith's?

Much love,


Temple Square 2017

Visiting Santa                                       Bowen with Roseola :(

Not liking Santa...

Bowen Selfie!!!

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