1. Get absolutely nothing accomplished
2. No shower, no getting out of pjs or whatever you were wearing the day before.
3. Crying baby PLUS no sleeping baby. Must meet BOTH criteria
4. Manage to scarf breakfast down. Lunch can be something that was left over in the fridge that smelt a little funky but you were too tired and too hungry to care.
5. Stay at home ALL day. This means no leaving your house, not even to get your mail.
6. Last but not least there MUST be spit up or poop or some bodily fluid on your body that you didn't notice.
If you meet this criteria congratulations you just had a FMD. You deserve to celebrate. Give your partner or a caregiver your baby and do whatever you need to do to unwind. I won't ask.
Moms are amazing. Becoming a mom is the most eye opening experience that has ever happened to me. I completely love it. Even on FMD days. I can't imagine anything different. My role as a mother is the most defining thing in my life. I love being a wife but being a mother is the cherry on top.
I start clinicals this Thursday. I can't believe the time is already here to walk into patients rooms and say how's that STD treating you? Jk. I shouldn't play. But I am so excited for a new role as well as being a DNP student. How many roles can I pack into one year?
Well I am going to do my celebration with some Cafe Rio. Yes. That will be my success for a amazing FMD.
Love to all, especially you mothers. Hang in there.
How can you not love this face??
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