Sunday, July 31, 2016

Gender Reveal Tomorrow!!!

I have officially been in DNP school for a year! Finals ended this week, Maggie finally got a grooming, and I finally got to hang out and be social.

I had been working on my huge research paper of Health Coaching in T2DM patients. The paper was so long and so boring. I don't ever want to do research...I think Chris and I have both found this out about ourselves. But good for those who do...

Work has been good. Its been fun trying to guess the gender and getting ultra sounds at work. Tomorrow is our official anatomy scan and get to know for sure if it's a boy or a girl! Any guesses?! I am happy Chris gets to be there. Someone is covering for him, I think it is a legit reason to miss part of work...?
Being a L&D nurse and being pregnant automatically makes you a celebrity on the floor. Everyone wants to know everything. I can't complain I do get a little more special treatment than before I was pregnant I must admit.

Especially this past week. I came to what I thought was a regular day at work. I saw on our list that it said scrub. Scrub?! Scrub what?? No learning to scrub in the OR. Well okay, I thought but a voice in my head said I don't think this is a good idea....

The first case I watched and had no idea how I was going to learn how to do all of this. Immediately I had to go to the OR for a second case which sucks because your on your feet for now about 4 hours and I am 17 weeks pregnant at the time. I scrub up and am sterile by the field watching. About 30 minutes in I start to get a little light headed. I think I'm fine, I'm fine. Next thing you know I'm rocking back and forth about to pass out. "Bebe (OR Tech) I don't feel so good." Jill the nurse in the OR at the time says sit down sit down. So I sat for about 10 seconds. "I got to leave" I say. So she walks me out of the OR well more of a shuffle now because I feel like I am going to pass out. She helps me sit on the ground outside the OR. She calls for help and about 10 seconds later I get up to find a trash can where there is none to be found. Yes I spot a linen basket! Well it's something and there was no linens in it. So I found my target and start retching. I created a scene it seemed like. I looked up and there were some people gathered around. I walked to the nurses station where supposedly my face was bright green. Everyone kept asking me are you okay?? NO! I am not okay!? I didn't say that but I was like I just got to sit down. I thought they were going to send me home. NOPE! Bummer. But I didn't get a patient until later that afternoon so I can't complain too much.

Chris and I saw a movie this week, dog sat our neighbors dog, ate lunch with a friend, went to Bosnian food, played games until 1am in the morning, played tennis, worked, we lived it up!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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