We did an Easter Saturday this weekend because I will be gone next week in Boston supporting my mom running Boston and welcoming my brother home from his mission! I am so proud of her for qualifying and I am so proud of my brother for serving a full time mission!
On Saturday we took Maggie to Turner Park right outside our Midtown Crossing apartment. There were probably around 100 plus dogs. All the dogs and owners were in a circle being tempted by all the goodies. There were Easter eggs all over filled with Doggie
treats. I saw a couple of dogs cheating before it started. It's okay Maggie cheated too. I was a little worried that Maggie would get sick, but she seemed to truck on through treat after treat. I attempted to make an easter bunny outfit for Maggie. Of course Chris thought it was a mess and kept saying we are going to dress her outside right? Instead we settled on dressing her in the hall. The sparkles all fell off my old shirt I decorated for her. Now the hall has sparkles everywhere and pee stains. I am pretty sure we left our mark here on Midtown.
Maggie was in the costume contest at the end of the Easter Beg Hunt. She had balloon bunny ears, pink sparkle shirt, and a cotton tail I tied on her little stub tail. We didn`t win first place but I still think Maggie was the cutest dog there :). She even got a doggie cupcake!
The winning puppy and the lamb costume
We totally moved to Boston (well...Framingham) so if you have an extra second let us know. I know you will be busy!