Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy St. Patricks Day!

The Holy Family Shrine (seen below) is a blue dot in Nebraska. If you don't know what a blue dot is, it basically means it is a "top tourist destination" in Omaha. This shrine or church was made for all religions to worship. It is beautiful! I have never seen a building like this, made with almost all windows and a small waterfall inside. The water trickles from the entry way all the way to the front where there is a small pond. It is very relaxing and I could spend hours in there just meditating. On one side of the building is a main highway, which I don't get why they built it right there. It's kind of noisy outside but you don't hear anything inside. On the other side of the building are rolling hills that look like they go on forever.

St. Patricks day was so much fun! Chris and I made a green breakfast for dinner. I of course had to add green veggies like broccoli and spinach to the egg scramble. 

Maggie wanted some too. 

Chris had the day off on Saturday! Finally, so we decided to live it up. We went to the dog park, although it was probably about 20 degrees. We also went to the batting cages where you could take all your rage out on slow soft ball pitch. It was so much fun, I forgot how much I loved baseball!

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