In Sunday school class we discussed how Jesus felt all our different kinds of pain. From a divorcee and their spouse being sealed to depression and anxiety. I lean over to Jesse, does he feel what we go through PMS? Because it is hell. Is that sacrilegious maybe.. but really does he?
I have been trying to learn a new word a day and really try to understand it. I'm also reading in my book everyday which broadens my vocabulary. I really like this app called vocabulary and it goes through the origins of vocabulary words. It really helps me to learn and have it stay in my head. I feel like when I learn words they go in one ear and out the other. Today's word is vitriol so for example they use to use this word for sulfuric acid which literally can burn your skin right off. So when learning this word I relate it to this and how this word is not taken lightly and means worse than criticism.
Anyways what happened this week: I switched from night shift to day shift which literally is so nice because I don't feel exhausted all the time and I feel like I can get something done. I was welcomed with an patient on day shift who had a FDIU. Ugh, of course. And I felt so bad she lost two previous babies to SIDS. She was all drugged up on dilaudid . So trying to teach her was like try to teach someone who is sleeping. Literally you can't. But I still documented! Which is all that matters... to be a good nurse I found out you can do so much but if you don't document than it does not mean that at all it actually means the opposite, so even when the patient likes you more because your in their room who cares because you are just going to get in trouble because of your lack of documenting.
When I was taking care of her she said I smelt really good. I told her I made lotions this last week and that it has all these different ingredient to handle stress. At the end of my shift I gave her one because I just felt so bad. She didn't even deliver on my shift. I really wanted her to deliver but she didn't. Anyways, it was a really slow day too so I just had a lot on my mind.
We are getting ready to play the soccer season this next week. We had family night and went and played at SLU field. It was really fun, and I am excited to play soccer but I think I need new shoes, my shoes aren't very good.
We also went to Zootopia, Chris and I did Tuesday, it was such a cute movie, I loved it. Especially the part with the sloth and the joke. OMG I couldn't stop laughing. Sunali and I went to lunch this week at Katie's pizza it was very yummy! I had the BEST artichoke salad to die for literally. I need to remember it so I can get it again.
Saturday, we went to Trader Joes super early in the morning and then Target. I am so excited for our trip!! I can't wait to go! I got some pants a tank and a hat for Dominican. I got Chris some treats for Easter and then I had to rush over to Shalyse's baby shower. So we went and set up for it and I made chicken salad for everyone. It turned out to be really nice and there was about 15 people who showed up. After there was a bunch of people playing volleyball. I was not in a good mood hence the PMS and just wanted to go home. But it was nice to be outside. After Chris and I went on a run through Tower Grove and I got to listen to my Harry Potter Audio Book. I love it. I am trying to finish this one before the next book comes out in June!!! While I was at the baby shower Chris cleaned the apartment and got me a TV... he is so funny. I wanted a TV to mount so I can watch something as I jog. So he is setting that up right now.
Saturday night we made chicken caeser salad yum...! And Chris actually made it. I am trying to make him step it up, because I have been doing all the laundry, cleaning, and cooking for a long time. And I am truly just sick of it. SO I have just kind of stopped in a way and he is noticing and stepping up his game. good!!! So Noelle and Time and Chris and I had a bonfire and did smores outside. We chatted for a long time a couple of hours or so. I got a movie called Spotlight and then we watched part of it and then we were about to fall asleep. So I turned it off. We went to bed.
Sunday, TODAY! Easter, happy easter! I made banana pancakes and blueberry pancakes. We went to church and I was just feeling awful again the PMS, I cried and cried and just wanted to die. But I stayed the whole time and went to RS like a good girl. We are having a roast tonight so that should be tasty.
Hope this week is a good week... We will see I guess!!!
Cameryn Smith