Sunday, July 26, 2015

First Day of Work

Started my first week on the good ol' 5400 L&D. For orientation, I at first thought it was unusual how they always grouped L&D and ED together. Now I know. Both settings are fast paced, and expect anything. Literally anything can happen. A woman hemorrhaging and you have to hang 2 units of blood before she loses more blood, while also monitoring the FHT and contractions. Checking magnesium and insulin drip Q30 min because it could potentially cause seizures/ hypoglycemic. Basically you are doing a whole lot at one time. They gave me a care pkg. I always wanted a calendar with puppies on it...thanks BJC.
Chris's 30th bday was this week! Hurry if you didn't wish him a happy birthday, it is still going, we do week long birthdays in this Smith family since we are both busy busy. Saturday we went on a nice long bike ride and celebrated with some BBQ, we were going to go to Ohio and Cedar Pointe but ended up having to work. Sad day. On his real birthday, we went to a movie and our favorite PI pizza. Never gets old. And the leftovers are still good for work.
I have enjoyed not doing a whole lot during the day, since this last year was a major stress from nursing school. It's nice to just go to the pool and workout. This relaxation wont last but it's nice while its here.
I am still getting used to the long hours at work. 12 1/2 shifts are tiring! I try and get up super early because parking is ridiculous at the hospital. It's almost worth it to leave an hour early..
Pioneer Day, aka a whole bunch of Mormons in a park. BYOB or bring your own baby. Babies galore. I think now that I am in L&D I get lots of my baby fix. Maybe a little too much sometimes. Chris and I babysat for our neighbor's kids last friday. I had just gotten home for work and asked Chris what he wanted for dinner. Of course why did I ask, pizza, always. So dropping off the pizza and about to leave to take Maggie for a walk, I leave the pizza with him. Right as I am about to shut the door I hear... the baby cry. Not just a whimper little hush hush cry. No this is a WHAAAAA!!! Highest shriek of the devil is going to kill me cry. In my mind was a flight/ fight/ freeze response. Mine was definitely FLIGHT. Sorry Chris I love how your so kind and volunteer. We have decided that we are just going to have puppies for the rest of our life.. But really puppies are the best.
Love you all and make this a happy party week. First week of August!!!

After a 2 1/2 hour bike ride we celebrated with a 64oz...only in the midwest.

Texas BBQ. And Tswizzy's fav. BBQ. A must. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lake Powell 2015

Thinking that I was planning a relaxing trip before work seemed all too good. Lake Powell in itself has proved on numerous occasions to be somewhat stressful. Add 13 teenage boys to the mix, One failing generator, one overheating boat, two lost keys for the jet skis, and multiple injuries. Of course being a new nurse wouldn't prove me any different unless I take my skills to the test. About an hour after finding a spot one of the boys got out his fishing gear. Pulling the fish hook with the barb he poked it through his nail bed accidentally. We need a nurse! They yelled to me while I'm on the speed boat waiting for them to dock the house boat The barb wouldn't pull out so we had to push it through his finger. To make matters worse the kid was turning white then green pretty soon we had a garbage can nearby. We gave him some zofran an lidocaine that finger up. Puncturing the barb through his finger and getting a pliers to cut the barb. After is pulled out smoothly cleaning it up with antibacterial wipes, Neosporin, and bandages. Ugh this is going to be a long trip...I felt like the mom on the trip. All the boys wanted to play hide and seek on the hill. Of course it was lightning and I wasn't afraid to say, you think that's a good idea? Then the boys wanted to cliff jump without life jackets. One of the boys landed on his rib cage and pretty sure he broke a rib. He was out like a light for the rest of the day. 
I can never get over how pretty Lake Powell is. I love the red rock and jumping into that warm water, skiing on the clear glass, and flying in the wind with the jet skis, stand up paddle boarding in the early morning. There's something liberating about not having cell service. No one can get a hold of you and no one has there phone on you. 
We passed this big floating pad in the water where one person jumps on it and the other person goes flying. I went to ask if we could "try it out" to see if we wanted to get one next time. When I went to ask I noticed the guy fiddling with his pants standing in the corner. Before I was about to shout to him I finally figured out what he was doing. Needless to say I thought I would come back later. 
Start work tomorrow for Orientation at BJH! Wish me luck!