Kids say the darndest things. My calling in my ward is Activity Days leader, I plan activities that involve their Faith in God booklet. I do this every other wednesday night with girls that range in ages 8-12. So when the primary president asked me to do a skit with the activity days girl's I knew they would be ecstatic. We met together over a course of two months (every other wednesday) with treats of course. I always made something for the girls until one time they said, "Why do you always bring treats? We should have something healthy." Huh!? When do kids say that! So I said, "I'll bring whatever you want just as long as you practice going over your lines!" We came to an agreement, I would bring grapes but they had to be red, crackers, and cheddar cheese. After picking some of this up on my way home from work, I had only one girl show up to activity days. "Where is everyone else?" I asked Margaret (the one who is the most mature of the group and comes every single time, right on time, answers all the questions, and always volunteers for the prayer). She had no idea. Waiting 20 minutes and reading lines with each other over and over again, finally two girls come in. So I guess no one really wanted my healthy snack after all.
That Sunday we didn't have a lot of time to rehearse. I was counting on the girls to come with their costumes and their scripts. I had Chris play Haman the evil one in the Esther Skit (the skit that we were practicing for). I brought my aprons/ scarves and dressed the girl up like maidens and servants. The skit was supposed to be interactive with the primary children, whenever someone would say "Esther" the kids would cheer and say "Yay!" When the kids heard the name Haman, they would boo and hiss. Chis was getting the kids going and the adults, he would stand on the chair and belt out his lines. The kids would soak it in and say, "BOOOO!!!!" to him. They got a little mixed up when I the narrator said, "Haman is so mad that Mordecai won't bow down to him, he decides to punish all the Jews...then all the kids went (Boo!!!!).
Done! Done with work, almost done with packing, done with cleaning, Chris done with medical school! We leave to Europe tomorrow, the trip of a lifetime for us! I am so excited I will probably pee my pants, or just take some ambien and sleep the whole plane ride.
I had a little going away party for Chris and I. It was on Cinco de Mayo so we had a potluck of mexican food. That is my heaven. If there is mexican food in Heaven, I know it will be perfect. I made a big batch of my mango pineapple salsa with cinnamon chips that were a big hit. We had some good laughs, deep conversations, and just talking about the unknown and how life is so unexpected at times. If I would have looked back on my life and said where I think I would be now, no where in my mind would I think AUSTIN, OMAHA, and ST. LOUIS! But I really am so excited, we have so much to look forward to and so many adventures with stories. We have met some great people in Austin and I really will miss my time with them. We must move forward though, and I just hope that we can meet just as good of friends in Omaha and St. Louis!
Cameryn Smith