I hate being injured, my IT Band is super tight supposedly and is causing knee problems. I have been off my legs for 5 days now! Going cold turkey from running is not easy. I miss it! It's good for me to relax, but even walking at church today hurt. Hopefully it will get better soon, I have been using the foam roller religiously!
What I have noticed from working at the Gap is that there are a lot of very well to do mom's and a lot of homosexual guys. I don't know if it's the area we live in or just Austin. There is a poster of two heterosexual men in the store posted in the men's section, and I do work with a guy who seems to be a little on the feminine side, but that being said I'm not going to open my mouth and say something.
Of course we all say things we regret. My visiting teachers came over a couple of weeks ago. It was late at night and I hadn't been outside. One of them is very friendly and can hold a conversation, the other is just plain awkward. That being said I try to include the awkward one. I noticed her hair was stuck straight to her forehead (like it was damp) really it was wet....or so it looked like. Me trying to pry a conversation out of her said, "Was it raining outside?" to her response, "No?" "Oh..." "I thought I heard rain earlier..." Ya the wet hair was grease... Gross!
Chris and I had a day date yesterday. We went to the Austin Zoo which was in the middle of nowhere. Literally, we drove out to the boonies and then mazed through the dirt road until 1 mile before the zoo there was a sign ZOO. Honestly, we thought we got turned around. My favorite animals were the cute little old monkeys. They look like ornery old men. They have this face that is always looks mad. They are so tiny that it makes up for their grimace.
I had not seen the Junk Cathedral, so Chris took me to that, and there was a ton of junk! All organized junk though, categorized, and color coded. Toilet sculpture, an altar of mosaic glass, barbie mania. It was insane. All I thought to myself was, what does his wife think of all of this? He is not married...probably for a good reason. It is a popular touristy thing to do and I wanted to see it before we leave Austin.
Speaking of leaving Austin, we are going to ST. LOUIS MISSOURI! We are going to Zion with the righteous people, see ya Austin! The long waited and dreary days are behind us, well that is until March when we find out where we are going this next year... but it's set in stone we are going to St. Louis! Chris was up at 6 am when he got an email saying that he matched. To our relief we both just shed some weight when we read that. Then the next thing, where we are going to spend 3 or 4 years of our life...The Dean at Galveston called Chris, You have been accepted to St. Louis University. I had a feeling that it would be SLU, I couldn't get them out of my head. As much as I prayed and fasted, (hoping Utah), I knew in my heart where we were going already. We are visiting St. Louis next week, looking for apartments and hopefully meeting residents and members of the church. It will be exciting, I hope I like it...well too late now!
Love and more love,